The End

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     You were in your apartment with your daughter Clover. "Mommy whens daddy getting home?" She asks you in her cute pajamas. "Soon." You say as you both watched Tv. A few minutes later the door opens. "Hey ladies!" Raphael says entering in his armored suit. "Daddy!" Your daughter says running up to him and he picks her up and kisses her face. Even though she wasn't really his daughter he loved her as if she was. After all he watched her grew up.

      The day you had reveilded you were pregnant to your boyfriend and your Dad your boyfriend said he didn't want a kid and told you to get an abortion. You were devastated that he said that cause you were supper excited to have a baby. Your boyfriend broke up with you and said not to contact him. Luckly you had your dad who supported you either way. You had Clover not to long after. 

      Around this time mutants became legal citizens so mutants were walking the streets but only in certain parts of New York do to discrimination. One day you were playing with the baby when Casey and April came for a surprise visit. They loved her and were happy for you but they were concerned about your health. You hadn't gotten much sleep and you've been watching what you eat so you could breastfeed. April texted Donnie and told her the situation but also sent cute baby pictures. Donnie apparently shown his brothers and they all wanted to visit that same day. Later that night they all came to see clover while you gave her a bottle. "Oooo look how cute she is!" They all said. Raph looked at her in awe as well. He was the first to hold her. After everyone got to hold her he took her back and held her some more. It was like love at first sight for him. Before he left he looked at you and told you he was proud of you. You two had gotten back in touch and started dating again. A few month later he proposed and you both got married and moved into your own apartment in the "mutant town." As people were calling it.

         Your daughter yawned and hugged Raphael. "Im tired daddy." "Well then lets get you to bed." He says. He walked to her bedroom and soon you hear laughter and giggling. You got up and poped your head in. "I thought this was bed time not play time." You say. "She is being silly aren't you buggie boo." He says picking her up and laying her down again. "No daddy's been silly." Raphael gasps dramatically. "Am not you little fibber now lay down!" He says playfully before blowing raspberries on her belly which made her squeal and squirm. "Alright you two that's enough." You say walking over and tucking her in. "Good night buggie boo." You say. "Nighty night momma. Nighty night Daddy." She says. "Night night baby." You say before heading to the door. "Sweet dreams." Raph says following you and going to close the door. "Wait momma." She calls out. 

       You both poked your heads in. "Wheres my dinosaur." She says. You looked around for it and grabbed it. "I found him baby." You call out bringing the weighted triceratops plushie to her. "Thanks momma can you turn on the night light." You turn it on and she smiled. "Better?" "Mhm" You kissed her head and walked back out. Once you closed the door you could hear her talking and singing to her Dinosaur. Raphael hugged you tightly after that and you could feel something was wrong. You both sat on the couch and talked about his patrole around town and how he witnessed a little mutant kid get assaulted by a human woman. You tried to calm him down but you knew he hurt inside. You cuddled him and let him cry it out.

          "Clover, Raph lets go to the park." You say. Raphael had a long night and was napping on the couch but you thought you all needed to go get some sun and play. You had dressed nice and ready for the hot weather which included you to wear a bathing suit underneath. Raph well....he had his usual things on weapons and all. Clover was wearing a one piece bathing suit and a little sun hat on. "Come lets go!" Clover says as she trotted ahead of you and Raph. You were carrying a bag with towels and water guns and another bag for snacks and drinks. Rapheal like you was over protective so he runs up behind her playing her little game and scoops her up. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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