The date

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It seemed like forever but wensday finally came and you went to the shooting range. You saw Jack at one of the booths. He sees you and smiles. "Hey! You made it!" He says hugging you. "Yeh is this set for me?" You ask him noticing a gun with some amo at the same  booth. "Yep you wanna go ahead?" He asks. "Yeah sure." You say before taking some noise canceling headphones and putting them on. You put the amo in the gun and you aim it at the target. You pull the trigger several times. "Wow let's see how great your aim is." Jack says before pressing the button to bring the target back. He takes it looking impressed. "Wow that's pretty good!" He says showing you. "Yeah put it out farther and I'll show you better." You say before aiming. Jack puts the target out farther and you shoot at it. He pulled it back in and looked at the target. "Wow that's amazing. And after all these years your still a crack shot!" He says. "What can I say I've got skills." You say shrugging. "Can I ask you something?" Jack asks. You look surprised and shrug smalley. "Sure..."
"What kind of career do you want?"

You run your fingers threw your scalp in thought.

"I dont know yet, I just wanna job that I can be inavative, you know like a job were I make things for a living."

"Oh so like fashion designer?"

"Ew! Gross no! That's probably what Tolip Riding would do for her career then she'd get kicked out of college like she should high school."

You quickly realized your situation. You were talking to one of the Popular guys who is literally surrounded by people just like Tulip.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I ment to say-" You babble till laughter filled the air. "Your totally right she should, she skips school so many times!" He looked at you and saw just how shocked you were that he agreed with you, or even laughed. "Dont worry I wont snitch, heck I dont even like her! She's such a stalker!" He says before angrily shooting his target. "Did you know she showed up at my house last week! She broke in and was laying in my bed in her underwear!" He says. You laughed so hard you could have cried. "I'm serious! I had to call the cops to get her to leave." He says. "Wow that's so funny, I feel bad for her." You say before firing a few times at your target then Jack's. "What do you mean?" He says before firing his to. "You know pychilogicly speaking, her parents must be fighting or there was probably some sort of shift in the family that's causing her to act like she dose." You say. "Eather that or she's just a bitch going through that rebelious faze." Jack says grinning and winking at you making you smile. You pulled back your sleeves cause you were getting hot. "How'd you get that bruise on your arm?" He asks totally not mentioning the cuts on your arms. "Oh Tulip shut my locker door on my arm." You say. "Tulip did that? Have you said anything about her bullying you?" He asks. "How can she be bullying me when she's never at school?" You say. Jack puts his gun down and looks at you Seriously. "I'm serious."
"I was too and why would I? It's high school. The only thing that matters here are the grades you make. I'd rather just wait for karma to hit her like a bus." You say before rapidly firing at your target. "Ok new topic...what's your favorite food?" Jack said. "Eather pizza or spaghetti. Oh wait no! Pizza gyoza WITH spaghetti!" You say. "Wow haha!" He laughs.


You guys sorry for such a "LONG" Chapter lol jk I know it was short, But just wanted to let you know that for the next chapter theres gunna be a author and character Q&A (Question and answer) so submit your questions for me or any of the people in this story or on TMNT in general in the comments.

L♡ ve  you all

thank you all so much for reading


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