Protector - City Wolf

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"Are you sure she wont die from this Donnie?" Your Dad asks putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yes sir, ive monitored the blood sample for two months. It will only target the DNA that gave her fire, and ice." Donnie says getting a syringe with his special mixture of retro-mutagen. "Good, I like the ability to breathe." You say putting your hand on your chest. "Ok hold still, im sure this wont hurt you." Donnie says whipping an area of skin with an alcoholic whipe. You sat back in the chair and got comfortable and watch as the needle go in your arm. He injects the retro mutagen into you and then takes out the needle. Donnie and your Dad watched you for a second. "How you feeling?" You're dad asks. "Meh." You say. "Well it is a slow process." Donnie says. "Well good thing its spring break." You say. "Yeah speaking of wich, are you all packed up?" Donnie asks. "Yeah im actually prepared to go to the farm house this time." You smile. "Ok well we should be good to go." Donnie says. You stand up and start for the door. Your Dad grabs your arm as if to make sure you wouldn't fall. You smile at him and take your arm out of his grasp. "I got it Pops, if anything I should be walking you to the van." You laughed. "Wow did you just call me old?!" He says smiling. You laughed. "Your lucky your my daughter." He says playfully pushing you. "Im guessing you feel ok." Raph says standing at the back of the van. "Yeah, hopefully this stuff kicks in soon though." You say jumping in the back. Your dad got to sit in the driver seat since he was an adult and could easily drive long distances without needing to rest. On the way there you all were talking about the things you wanted to do at the farmhouse. You had the biggest list. Later on everyone started to fall asleep. You and Raph were lying down cuddled up together watching Hazbin hotel and Helluva Boss. You were using Raphs arm as a pillow as it wrapped around you like a snake while his other arm draped over you and held your hand. At one point he kissed your chin and layed his head down. "You going to sleep?" You whisper to him. "Yeah." He answers tiredly. He did his best to whisper but since his voice is naturally loud it instead of sounding tired he sounded seductive. You stopped the video and turned your phone off then shifted to where you were laying on your back. "You can keep watch it if you want. You dont have to go to sleep because you me." He says. "Im not ive been tired for a while I was just staying awake for you, ya big goof." You say turning to face him and curling up in his chest. "Your the goof for thinking you had to stay awake for me." He says stroking your hair. That made you fall asleep instantly. In the morning Raph shook you awake. "Are we there?" You asked groggily. "No, I was just woke you up cause you were talking in your sleep." Raph smiles as he loomed over you. "He's just messing with you (y/n), we're here." Leo says. "I knew it. Once I eat breakfast and stretch imma kick your butt." You say thumping Raph on the forehead. He laughed and got back. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Ok guys you know the drill. Donnie electricity, and the rest of us will clean and settle in." Leo says. Everyone grabs their stuff and heads to the house. "What do you think?" Raph says turning your attention to the yard. "Definitely not the city, Way more beautiful." You say. "Yeah but its even more beautiful with you here." He says. "Yeah if your trying to kiss up for what you just pulled your sadly mistaken." You say patting Raphs cheek before walking into the farmhouse. "Hey shini race you to our room." You say running in. "No fair you have inhanced speed!" Shinigami says following behind you.

Once you ate, cleaned and unpacked you decided to go out and stretch. "Hey, taking in the view?" Shinigami says up in a tree. "Yeah, what ya doing up there? Other than looking like a raven." You say. "Watching you stretch your tiny stick like body." She says. "Well thats just rude." You say crossing your arms. She smirks at you. You looked over and saw a handmade grave. You walk over and read the name. You felt bad for intruding on something like this and not knowing how to paw respects so you casually scoot away. "Hey, whats going on?" Kari and April ask hanging like monkeys upside down from a tree. "How long have you all been out here?" You say. "We just got here." April says. "We came out the window." Kari adds. "Of course you did is there anyone else hiding in the tree?" You ask. "Nope. Just us." Shinigami says. "Wanna hang?" April asks. "Pft that was literally the corniest thing ive ever heard come out of your mouth. Donnie's puns have been rubbing off on ya." You laughed before jumping up into the tree and perching on a branch. "Could you imagine sitting up in a tall tree and looking over everything while the sun sets or rises?" You say. "While we drink freshly brewed tea." Shinigami says. "Now that sounds awesome." Kari says. "We should do that." April says. "What have a tea party?" You ask. "No climb up the tallest tree and watch the sunset while we have some tea." April says. "Sounds cool. Id love to get a picture of the sunset on my brand new Polaroid." You say. "Ooo your poloroid snap?" April asks. "Yeah i even got like this little photo album that looks like the camera where I can put the pictures." You say. "Oooh cool." April says. "Hello ladies." Donnie says in a smooth voice. You whispered in April's ear. "You should say hey in a smooth voice." You tell her. She trys to look cool and then flips her ponytail. "Hey Donnie." She says in a smooth voice. "Um...uh ...h-h-h-hi a-a-april." He says blushing. You all snickerd. "Oh no is Donnie trying to act cool." Raph says throwing his arm around his brother's shoulders. "Yeah but it was cute to watch." Shinigami says. "Yeah he flusterd up when April flirted back." You say winking at Raph. He grinned and winked back. "Oh ive gotta show you something." Raph says waving for you to come down. You leaped off the tree and go to land on your feet but stumble a little. Raph pulls you over to the grave. "This is our dad, Splinter." Raph says gesturing to the grave. You stood there nervously not knowing what to say. "He would have loved to meet you." Raph says squeezing your hand. "Well im sure splinter would have been iffy about her at first. Like he was with Casey." Leo says walking by with a grin. "Don't listen to him. He would have loved you." Raph says smiling at you. You nervously smiled at him. "Well there's only one way to find out." Mikey says throwing his arms around you and Raphs sholders. "We contact him from the dead with our ninja skills!" Mikey says. "Wait you can do that?!" You ask. "Yeah and you wouldn't tell me!" Kari says jumping down from the tree. "We didn't want to upset you and our main concern at the time was saving New York and you." Leo says nervously. "Guys stop fighting your killing my ear drums!" You say covering your ears. "We can contact him tonight. When the moon is full." Shinigami says. "But what about the plans we maid earlier." April asks. "We can do that before we contact Splinter. We can probably make it a camping trip!" You say excitedly. The guys looked at eachother nervously. "What?" You ask. "Last time we were out here we delt with monsters and creepy mutants." Raph says. "Don't forget Donnie's ex-girlfriend." Mikey laughs as he nudges a nervously stiff Donnie in the arm. "Wait what!?" You say smiling. "Spill the tea!" You shout before shaking Donnie. "We bumped into bigfoot and turns out bigfoot was a girl and she was totally into Donnie." Leo explained. You hold back the urge to laugh. "Well we'll be sure to stay out of bigfoot territory." Shinigami says. "This is gunna be so cool! I cant wait to go camping!" You say excitedly. "Lets go get some gear!" Mikey says. Everyone started walking twords the farmhouse. You caught Raph before he could get on the porch. "Hey thanks for letting me come along. Im so excited to go camping and to see stars!" You say. "Im glad you could come with us, and dont worry im gunna make sure that this trip is perfect." Raph says smiling and brushing some hair behind your ear. You smile and pull the strings on his mask. "Come on lets go get that camping gear." You say pulling him by the strings on his mask. "Hey kiddo i just heard some of your friends say they were going camping. You going to?" He asks. "Yeah *gasp* this is the perfect time for us to ruff it like we always planned!" You say. "Do you think they got a tarp here?" Your dad asks. "Oh I think theres on in the barn. We can look in there." You say. You were about to follow your dad out the door when Raph caught you. "Wait what do you mean by Ruff it?" He asks. "Its where you camp but you can only use sartain items like a knife, sticks and some other stuff. Sorta like a hobo but a test to see what you can create with your mind and the environment. Its sumer cool. But dont worry we'll still be able to spend time together." You say kissing him on the cheek then running out the door. You saw your dad trying to open the barn door. "Hold up dad, theres a trick to this door." You say taking the handle and shaking the barn door then lifting it up a bit to where it could open. "Look at that you didn't break the door down." Your dad says patting you on the sholder. "That was one time!" You say in your defense. Once you both found a tarp you folded it up and tied it up with some rope. "This is gunna be so cool! I cant wait till were making our tent with nothing but the things mother nature provides and some good old fashioned ingenuity!" You say. "Me neather wonder girl." Your dad says ruffling your hair. "Im gunna go help the others get thier stuff." You say. "Ok and go change into some hiking clothes." Your dad calls out. "Ok" you call back running out of the barn. Once in the farmhouse you saw everyone arguing about something. "Whaow whaow hey now everyone stop!" You say getting in the middle. "Whats going on?" You ask. "Theres only one tent." Casey explains. You look at everyone stone faced. " guys are smart, adaptable. Try ruffing it with me and my dad." You say. "But what if it rains or it the monsters come to get us." Mikey says. "There'll still be shelter and you've got a leathal mutant chic right here. If anything you should be afraid of me BOO!" You say jolting and scaring Mikey. He jumps and hides behind Donnie.

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