let it snow

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Imagine your mom texting you during school telling you she wanted you home as soon as you got off of school. And imagine not getting a reason why from her. You did as told but when Casey calls you asking if you were gunna stop by the lair you told him mabey later and that your mom wanted you home asap. When you got home your mom starts to shout at you screaming about how terrible you looked and asking you if you were on drugs. You tried to tell her you were not and that you just haven't felt like yourself since yesterday. She then started to curse you out and seamed to get really violent. "You obviously arnt in your right mind so I'm just gunna stay with Casey until you get yourself together!" You shout at her as you storm out of the apartment. Your mom tired to force you back to the apartment to the point where she was fighting you. It didn't hert thanks to you mutant power of super strength. You eventually just push her to the side and go make your way to the lair. Along the way you had to stop at do not walk sign and began to cry. You hated being different, you hated your life, you hated everything about you so when the light turned green you went to the nearest man whole cover and went into the sewers. You pulled out a pencil sharpener blade but before you could do anything. "Hey, (y/n) I thought I heard you." Raph says before he saw the pencil sharpener blade. Then his smile fades and his face went serious. He walks over and takes it and tosses it away. He stands up and offers you a hand. You take it and he helps you up. "Lets go talk someplace private." He says. You nod not looking at his eyes. He puts a hand on your back and leads you to the latter. You jump up and grab the lower bar then pull yourself up. Once out of the sewers Raph lead you to a nearby building rooftop and you two sit on the ledge. You didn't look at him you just looked at your feet. Raph could tell you didn't want to be looked at so he didn't. But he knew he had to say something. "You know it's ok to talk to people when something's going on. I won't say anything to anyone, no matter what." He says there was a small pause of silence. Raph was about to say something but you cut him off before he could unknowingly. "I just don't want anyone to worry about me." You say. "Well sorry to say but people are gunna worry, like me. Cause I've been where you are. Wanting to hert myself." He says still not making eye contact. You look at him. "Really?" You ask. He sighs then takes off the bandages around his wrist revealing some old cut marks. "Yeah. I felt like nothing I did mattered and that I didn't matter cause everyone else had their things and I had nothing." You looked at him with simpothy. "Well you do have a thing, your the strong hot head. At least that's what Casey and April said. And at least that's not as bad as my life." You say looking down. He looks at you as if waiting for you to go on. You sighed and hold your hand. "I told you about my dad and...how I got my powers but.......my mom is a stripper. She use to be a bartender but after we moved to new york she went and applied for a job at the stripper club. I used to go there last year cause my mom didn't want me at the apartment alone but when I nearly got raped she decided that I shouldn't be there. But sometimes I'll take a DJ gig there, it pays well but I somehow still always attract that one guy or group of guys. But the worst part is, is that my mom wants to talk bad about mutants like on RWBY when Weiss was talking bad about Fanus and Blake got mad. I'm always Blake but I'm too scared to say anything." You say. "So why were You crying earlier?" He asks. "My mom and me got into an argument. She started to cuss me out and all that. And I left......I told her I wasn't going to live with her if she was gunna act like this." You both see sudden white flakes of snow fall from the sky. He shivers and you take off your jacket and put it around him it was a xlarge so it fit him. "Your a reptile you need to stay warm in the cold." You say. He smiles and stands. "Lets get to the lair before we get snowed out." He says helping you up. "Alright let's see if you can keep up slow poke." You say before jumping over the edge not even using the fire escape and land with a summersalt. He jumps down landing in a different way. You two head back into the sewers and back to the lair.
When you guys got there every one was packing up for some reason. "What's going on?" You ask. "We're all going to this old farmhouse April owns." Leo says. "Wait so when will y'all be back?" You ask. They all looked at you. "Your not coming?" They ask. You look down thinking. Then finally you look up. "Yeah it sure beats going back home to my mom." You say before going to the gest room and getting your things. "Everyone ready?" Leo asks. You walk out and join the group at the entrance. "You sure you wanna go? What if your mom gets mad?" Casey asks. You took a deep breath in and sigh. "She obviously dosent care about me so should I care about her." You say rolling your eyes. Once everyone was loaded in the van Raph hands you back your winter jacket. "No you need it more than me." You say before putting your earbuds in and letting the movement of van put you into a light sleep. At one point you woke up with a jolt. You were leaning this way and that way in your sleep. Raph took your winter jacket off of him and put it on you carefully then putting its hood up over your head and carefully laying you down. He grabs a blanket you bought and drapes it over you. You woke up feeling to hot so without opening your eyes you took the jacket off and put it at your head as a pillow only to have it quickly switched with your actual pillow by Raph. Once your head hit the pillow you went into deep sleep and Raph pulled the blanket up to your sholders only for you to pull it up to your face and cuddling in the blanket. For some reason he laughed quietly and lays down himself for a quick nap. At one point every one was asleep but Raph woke up to a thumping noise. He looked back and saw your head slightly hitting the side of the van so he quickly moves over to try to fix it by putting your jacket there to soften the blow but that didn't help so he scooted you away from the wall and put himself in the middle.
It was late and April and Casey were tired from driving so they pull over to a pit stop, park the van in a dark corner of the parking lot and go to sleep. By this time you and Raph had actually gotten closer to the point where you two were cuddling. You had at one point draiped half of your blanket over him.
In the morning you stayed asleep till eventually everyone was worried about you and shook you awake. You wake up taking in a breath of air and sitting up. "I'm up I'm up, *yawn* I'm awake" You say tierdly. You stretched and rubbed your eye's. Mikey tosses you a cereal bar. You go to catch it only for it to slip threw your fingertips and it hits floor of the van. Good thing it's in plastic wrapping. You grab it and open it up. "Ok so when we get there the first thing we're gunna do is unload the van and unpack. And since we haven't been to the farm house in a while we might need to clean up. You don't have a dust allergy do you (y/n)?" Leo asks. You shake your head after taken a night of the cereal bar. "Good, while we're unpacking and cleaning Donnie your gunna take care of the electricity and water." Donnie nods. "So April and Casey can go to town to get food and other supplies. While the rest of us clean. Sound like a plan?" Leo asks. Everyone agrees and steps out the van. And into the farm house. "There arnt enough rooms for each of us so we can split it boys and girls." Leo says. "April, slumber party quadruple the fun!" You say before high fiveing her. You and Shinigami aperintly were matched on a compatibility test so you two shared a room. April and Kari shared a room and the guys.....well......You four girls sat and watched as they literally had a brall for the rooms and roommates. "How long is this gunna last?" Kari asks. "No longer." you say already with standing frost crystals on your hands. "ENOUGH!" You shout. They all freeze in their tracks. "THE NEXT ONE TO THROW A PUNCH IS SPENDING THE NIGHT AS AN ICE SCULPTURE! TALK IT OUT OR BE FROZEN!" You shout before smiling. "That felt great!" You say before looking at your hands. "And hey no more ice!" You say before you four walked down stairs. You all found the cleaning supplies and decided to get started. April since she had telepathy got all the high places. "How are you doing that?!" You ask in shock. "Oh well I'm not all human I'm also half crange." She says. Your jaw drops. "What!" You say. "I can also read minds, that's how I know how you got that bruse on your wrist and how you got the bruse on your cheack." She says. You look in shock then imbaricement. "Why didn't you tell us about that kind of tulip was bullying you?" She asks. "Shes not bullying me she's just........What ever and even if she is it dosnt matter because one it dosnt hurt and two she didn't make the bruse on my cheack. So it's fine." You say getting back to sweeping. "Hey do you guys wanna go have some fun in the snow later?" Shinigami asks. "Sure I wanna try ice skating on a pond and sledding down a big slope!" You say. "But what about your concussion?" Kari asks. "There might be a helmet around here somewhere." You say. "Well as long as you have a helmet." She says. "I think the pond might be frozen solid by now if it isn't we can just sled." April says. "What no way!" You say. Everyone looks at you. "Um Hellow?!" You make ice appear on your hand. "Ice powers, right here I can just freeze the pond more." You say. They look at April who shrugs. "Ok, I'll have to find a ruler though." You all chear. "I'm gunna check on the guys and let you know if I had to freeze them." you say before quietly going up the stairs. You saw that none of them where fighting wich was good. "Hey guys were gunna go skating and sledding later anyone wanna come along?" You ask. "HECK YEAH!" They all say at once. You smile and walk down stairs and tell the other girls. Then once you all were done cleaning you all got dressed and headed out you carried a helmet and some scates while you trudged threw the snow in your rubber combat boots. Then once you got to the pond April measures the ice. "Its still a little to thin but should hold you for a while (y/n) just be careful." She says. You nod and put the helmet on. Once you step on the ice you heard it shift but it didn't crack under your foot. Then you took another step on the ice and walk out to the center without slipping or losing your balance. Then you get on one knee and touch the ice and watch as a thick layer of ice coats the current layer. Then there was clapping. You look to see everyone smiling and clapping. You walk easily on the ice with out slipping or losing balance again then put on your scates. "That was so-" Casey says before you cut him off. "Dont you dare say cool or else you will loose all street cred." You say. He lauphs. Then you walk out towards the ice then you felt nervous. Everyone else had just gotten on the ice, you wanted to join but you also didn't know how to ice skate, and you didn't want to fall. As you sat and fiddled with your gloves. "Hey you ok?" Mikey asks skating over. "Yeah it's just I know how to roller scate just....I don't know if this will be like that." You say "Oh it's easy here it's a little hard at first then you'll get the hang of it here." He holds out his arms for you to hold. You hold on as you carefully step on the ice your feet start to wabble because of the blades but then settle. "See you got it and that's it." He holds you up with one arm as he skates beside you. Then he pushes you off. "Whoa! Mikey!" You cry as you slide towards Raph who was skating with Casey. "Look out!" You cry. Raph and Casey both catch you. "Thanks guys."  You say. "Ha I knew this would happen your first time, at least your standing and can already skate right?" Casey smirks. You nod. "You wanna race?" He asks. "Um.....sure go easy on me cause I'm still kind of nervous and I do still have a concussion." You say. "Alright ready..... get..... set ...go!" You both push, you realising you pushed off to hard and start to get nervous but go easy from there. "Ha! I win!" Casey says. "Thats just because I have a concussion and new to the ice but this isn't over when we get back we're racing on solid track." You say.

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