Far from home

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*play far from home by Five finger death punch as you read this*

You and jack got closer but he kept trying to get you to do things that you knew were wrong. You both were at a little get together with him. You all were playing a stupid game of truth or dare on an app. Then that's when Jack's friends got out of hand. They pulled out drinks and some K2. That's when you got up and asked where the bathroom was. Once they told you where it was and you went in there and locked the door. You texted your dad.

Daddy can you come get me? I feel uncomfortable here. They pulled out synthetics.

I'll send someone out there but I'm kinda tied up baby but you better sneak out of there ok and go to Casey's place.


But it wasn't ok you were in the upstairs bathroom and you didn't want to just leave without Jack knowing. Cause then he would think you were the one telling the cops about the drugs and you thought he might get worried. So you walked down stairs and saw they were all having a good time. You just went twords the door when Jack called you out. "Hey where you going?" Jack asks. "I've gotta go my mom just called me. She needs me to come over and talk." You said. "I thought you said you and your mom weren't talking, your lying." He says. "Ok look I'm just tired and we have school tomorrow so i was just heading home." You say. He grabbed you by the arm tightly. "If your tired just sleep here." He says looking at you very dirty. "No I'm not sleeping her not while you guys are doing this stuff." You tried to pull away but he left hooked you in the face. He let you go and you ran. Not super ran, just regular until you got into the sewers. Using the map on your phone you made it to the layer. By the time you got there your face was wet with tears and your cheek was bruised and puffy. "(Y/n)? What happened?" Raph asks rushing over and holding you up thinking that you might fall. Instead you just raped your arms around him and hid your face, silently crying on him. Raph stood there stunned not expecting this from you. He slowly rapped his arms around you until he was locked onto you. Once you had stoped crying Raph pulled away just enough to were he could look at your face and still hold onto you. He put a hand on your cheek and you looked down. That's what he knew what happened. He frowned and dragged you to the kitchen. He lifted you up and sat you on the island counter. He opened the freezer and pulled out a bag of peas and handed them to you. Without saying anything he got you some headache medication and a glass of water. He sat back as he watched you take the headache relief and when you looked at him he looked down coldly. "So Jack did this?" He asks. "Yeah...." You say quietly trailing off. "Why?" He asks. You pull out your phone and open the message that you sent your dad. He reads it and looked puzzled. "What the hell are synthetis?" He asks. "Drugs the kind that are illegally made." You say. "So how'd you get that bruise on your face?" Raph asks moving some of your hair out of the way. "I didn't want to leave without letting someone know because I knew that if I did they would think something was up. So I was just walking out the door when Jack caught me and asked where I was going. I told him I was tired and was going home. He suggested that I just slept there but I told him no and he hit me." You say quickly trying to avoid any quivers in your voice. There was a strong silence between you two but it was broke when you put your face in your hands. "I'm so stupid, I dived right into a relationship. So childish." You scold yourself. "Should I brake up with him? Even though we never said we were a couple." You ask looking at Raph who just looks at you surprised. "Yeah you should dump him! No guy should hit a girl! Unless she hits first, or is trying to kill you, or is a lunatic." He says carrying on making you laugh at all his scenarios. He stoped when he heard you laughing almost in histarics and smiled. "Man you must have hit on ALOT of girls." You laughed. "Nah just one. Not like that though! I yes I've had to fight a girl here and there but I've never really hit on girls alot." He rambles. "Ok ok I get it your starting to sound like Donnie when he's talking to April." You chuckled. He blushed a little bit and you slid off the island. "Breathe dude, your face is as red as your mask." You say. He covered his face with his hand and pulls it down as if he was slowly whipping away the blush. "Hey you wanna go kick my ass at some video games." You say. "Sure. Race ya!" He says pushing you before running you ran after him and won. "Superhuman!" He teases. "Whatever. Just pick a game." You say. He picks a game and hands you a controller. You both pulled over the bean bag chairs and started playing like crazy. "Ga! Curse you himosidal maniacs I shot you! You saw it I shot him!" You say raging. "Yeah sure if you shot him then how did he kill you." Raph smirks. "I don't know he must have a twin brother! And where do we find that general guy were at the location but where is he! It makes no sense!" You say doing orange justice. Raph laughs at your dance to the point where he nearly cried. "Uh dont laugh I'm serious look it up look up how we can find this dork." You say shaking him. "Ok ok. Calm down." He says. You look at him as he pulls out his phone and looks up how to find the general. When Rapheal turned around he saw your face was close to his and you two locked eyes. His green eyes were so hypnotic and put you in a daze. You both snapped out of it when you realized your faces were getting closer to each others. You both blushed and stuttered as you got the controls. After a minute of awkward silence Raph gave you a helpful tip about your amo. And you thanked him. That's when he looked at you and saw that your bruise was already fading. He put a hand on your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. Your whole face turned red. "Your bruise is going away already." He says taking his hand away smiling. You covered your cheek with your cold hand hoping the blush could go away. "I guess that must be another mutant power." He says. "Yeah I guess so. I'm like wolverine or deadpool." You say waving your arms around like you were karoty choping someone. "Haha ok sure thing princess." He says in a sarcastic tone. "Call me princess again and ill show you just how tuff I am." He laughed and starts the game then you two played rapidly. "Oh yes! We did it!" Raph cried out. "Awe yeah!!!" You say high fiving him. "You were good! Im glad my advice was actually taken." Raph says. "You weren't so bad yourself hot stuff." You say winking at him. Raph blushed then started coughing. "I'm gunna go get something to drink you want anything?" He asks as if his voice was going. "Nah I'm good." You say. He rushed twords the kitchen and coverd his face in his hands. He sat on a stool and hit his head on the counter as if to knock some sence into himself. "What is wrong with me! Stop getting so intimidated by her!" He scolds himself. "That's not intimadation little bro." Leo's voice says from behind. Raph turned around to see a snarky look on his brothers face. "Oh what do you know you've never dated before." Raph says. "No but I do know what your feeling." He says with a smug grin on his face. "Ok mr smart guy give me a logical explanation." Raph says. "You like her, but you dont wanna admit it because you wanna look tough." Leo says. "No....." Raph says crossinghos arms and looking away and his face is as red as a tomato. He glanced back at Leoand saw his doubtful face. "Ok fine mabey a little." Raph grumbled. "It take a real man to admit that. Look at my little bro all grown up." Leo teases as he puts raph in a head lock and gives him a noogie. "Wait your not going to screw around with (y/n) are you? Shes got enough stuff going on right now Raph she doesn't need to feel like she's cheating on her boyfriend too." He says sternly. "I'm not screwing around! I haven't even done anything! And didn't you hear the latest news about her so called 'boyfriend'?" Raph asks. "What are you talking about Raph?" Leo asks crossing his arms. Raph looks out to see if anyone was listening then gets back in. "He dose synthetic drugs! She didn't want to be around that so she went to text her dad, her told her to get out so when she was going to leave she tried to tell jack she was tired and was going home but he tried to FORCE her to sleep there!" He says. "That would end up badly if she did." Leo says shocked. "Exactly! but here's where it gets messed up, he hit her Leo! If I was there I would have bulldozed that punk!" Raph says punching his fist into his hand. "I know Raph. But you do see my point though. Wait before you go telling her how you feel." Leo says. "I know. Bro." Raph says. Leo let Raph walk out the kitchen and Raph sat down and grabbed his controller. "You ready?" He asks looking twords you. "Yeah I'm totally ready." You say putting your phone down nervously. You grabbed the controller but heard your phone buzz over and over. "You gunna get that?" Raph asks. You nervously grab it and see that Jack was constantly blowing up your phone with messages. Not good ones either. You turn your phone on silent and put it on your lap. As Raph was getting the game set up he got a glance at one of the text since your phone screen had stayed on. He saw a word he knew your dad wouldn't like to see. And as he saw that your phone wasnt gunna stop getting texts he looks at you with concern. "Let me see your phone." He says. You looked at him and saw a stern look on his face. "There just texts Raph, there not that important." You say. Raph didn't care he grabbed the phone and open it up. "Please don't text him back raph!" You say leaning over and reaching for the phone, fighting him to reach it. That's when the texts stoped. You were both still and totally quiet. Raph scrolled up and scanned his eyes through the texts. "This is harrassment (y/n)! You know he can get in some serious trouble for this!" He says. You shrink back and scratch your sholder right over the scab where your arm had been cut from Mona. He quickly grabbed your hand to prevent you from scratching your scab. "Hey I get it your not one for snitching but you have to tell your dad about the abuse and harassment." He says. "I-i know but if he gets in trouble I'll be the school's primary target." You say. He held your hand tightly in a comfortingly. "What dose it matter what those idiots think. They aren't your friends. We are!" He says. You smiled and gripped his hand tighter. "Thanks Raphael." You say pushing him away a little enough to grab your phone. "Let's play another mission!" You say. He shakes his head. "No way. We should be getting you home." He says. "Awe darn it. At least tomorrow's Friday." You say standing. "Yeah. So you and your daddy can spend time together." He says in a baby voice and ruffles your hair. "Hey watch it." You say.

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