Christmas is here

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It was Christmas and you all gathered in the barn. You sat off to the side as you watched everyone go about knowing one another. "Hey (y/n)! Come here." Shinagami waves you over. You jog over in the speedforce. "Hey why dont you dance with us." She says taking your hands. You both start dancing goofily. You were both laughing silly. "Isn't this fun?" She asks. "Yeah." You say laughing. You both twirl eachother.
Raph couldn't help noticing how happy you were. He saw how you were so full of joy, and how your smile was so contagious and how it brightened the room. He couldn't help but smile. But he couldn't figure out what this feeling was. "Raphael." He turns and sees mona. "This truly is a fun custom that you and your people have." She says smiling. "Well I'm glad you like it." He says before kissing her. That feeling that he felt after looking at you faded. 'What's going on?' He thought. 'I love mona then why all of a sudden am I crushing on (y/n)' He asked himself.
The song changes and you gasped. "I remember this!" You say. Casey looks at you and smiles. "Do you remember the face we came up with?" He asks. "Oh Heck yeah!" You say. You get beside him and you both start dancing.

While you both were dancing everyone smiled and laughed. You wernt a good dancer but to dance this dance to this song again with Casey made you feel like that little girl again. The one that was so innocent and happy all the time, less self aware. It was the best. You hadn't felt this way in so long, it almost made you wanna cry. Once the song was over you felt tired and out of breath, Casey did too.


After the party you laid down in your bed as you talked to shinagami. "Hey you know what would be cool?" She asks you. You look at her. "What?" You say. She pulls out a book and a box that looked appropriate for a board game. "A board game? And please tell me that's not the rule book?" You grown as you slid slowly and dramatically out of the bed, head first. Shinagami who was already on the floor giggled. "No silly this is a spell book, and this is a spirit board." She says laying them out. You shot up now intrested. "So we get to do spells and talk to the dead?" You ask.


You smile and laugh mistcheaviusly. "But where gunna need something to light some candles with...." She says looking at you. You hold up you pinky and at the tip was a small flame. Shinagami made a circle of candles and lines of salt at the window and the door appeare. The door locked on it's own making you jump. "Your not scared are you." Shinagami asks. "I'm affended that youd even say that to me." You say. You looked around. "Wait shouldn't we have symbols on the window and the door so we dont get a demon? And what about a circle of salt?" You ask. "Nope with me around we can get any spirit we want." She says before opening the box containing the Ouija board. You looked at it in awe. "Light the candles." She says as she sets it up. You got up and went around lighting each one since you couldn't light then all up at once. "Ok now light this up." She says with a small bundle of some sort plant. Once lit you lookedat her curiously. "What is that?" You ask as shinagami puts the burning bundle in some sort of special lantern. "Sage to ward off evil." She says. "Oh I never would have thought that was sage. I thought it was some sort of creepy voudu." You say wiggling your fingers under your chin in a creepy way. "You arnt the first." She says. There was a knock at the door then a note slid under the door crack. You look at shinagami curiously. "Don't look at me, I don't even know." She says. You get up and go over to the door. You grab the note and unfold it.

Your red and blue so wouldn't that make you lilac?

You read outloud. "Forget this!" Shinagami snaps her fingers and the room was clear of everything like it never happened. "Girl gossip time!" She says. You sit down where you were before. "Let me see." You hand her the paper. "Who do you think by?" She asks. You shrug. "What?! How could you not know?" She asks. "Because I dont know anyone that would like someone like me. I've got the size.....and almost the shape who would like anyone with my personality." You say. "Well obviously dose someone obviously likes you!" You shrug. "Who knows it could be for you!" You say. You fake yawn. "I'm goin' ta bed I'm actually really tired." You say.

Mr. Red (Raph × Depresed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now