sleep overs

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You wernt allowed to sleep so it really helped that everyone else except for Mikey stayed awake. Cause you all played funny games of sharades and picturama. You were really good at drawing so it wasn't hard for your turn to be over. But then Leo got a call. "Hold on guys I'll be right back don't play without me." He stresses. You all look at eachother. "Who was that?" You asked no on in particular. "Our sister Karri probably." Donnie says. "Wait you guys have a sister?" You ask. "It's a long story." Raph says laying the opposite way with his head back to face the rest of you. You held your pillow close and rest your head on your hands and smiled at him. Looking interested and wanting to hear the story. Raph looks at you and scuffs a laugh but couldn't help having a big grin on his face. He sat up and turned twords you. "Ok so this man, our dad, and woman had a baby girl, our sister. But one day their house burnt down and our dad's so called best friend Stoll his daughter and caused the fire. So our dad moved here to new York all the way from Japan for a new life and he started that life by buying four baby turtles at a pet shop, wich was us and on that same day that was when we were mutated. Sixteen years later we met Karri and she thought shredder our dad's ex-friend was her fauther but about a year ago after telling her the truth she finally believed us then she got turned into a mutant." Donnie comes out a room near the kitchen with a odd looking container. You hadn't realized he had left. Donnie held out the container still near the room. "This is what changed our lives." He says looking at it. You slowly get up and walk over. When you got close enough you realized what it was and you gasped and took a step back and froze. Your body trembled as flashbacks played in your mind. "(Y/n)?.... (Y/N)!?" Donnie asks you snap out of it with a gasp and cover your face. You quickly took them off when you felt something sharp. Your hands were a purplish blue and peaces of frost stood on your skin. Donnie took your arm and held it up. "What the-!" He says. You gasp and literally disappear. But everyone could still see the cold air from your icy hands and Donnie could still feel that he had your arm. You pull away from him. "What are you?" Casey asks standing up. You sighed and became visible. "Promise you won't tell?" You say looking at Casey. He looks at you with a solum look then nods. "Wait don't start without me ok!" Donnie says before running back in the dojo. You go and sit back down. Then Donnie comes back along with leo. "Kari and shinigami are on their way here." He says. He could tell something happened while he was on the phone. "What?" He asks. "(Y/n) is a mutant!" Mikey says excitedly. "What!?" Leo says shocked. "Ok so it started like this." You say holding on to your pillow you made. "It all happened one weekend when I went to go visit my dad as usual. My dad wasn't the greatest, to be honest he was a druggie. And one night he came home, after forgetting I was even there, he brought home this container the one you just showed me Donnie. And he said he bought it from this guy and that it was supposed to put you higher than cloud 9. Then he pulled out a syringe. I begged him not to but he wouldn't listen. So he got all this other stuff together and mixed it up in a little tube then put the mutagen in it. And to help it mix up well he put some alcohol in it. When he was done mixing he put it in the syringe. He was gunna inject him self and I was scared and so I quickly tired to take it away from him but he punched me in the guts, knocking the air out. And from that one harsh movement an ember from his cigarette got in a bottle of his alcohol and it exploded and then a chain reaction of explotions. One of the blasts was so great it threw me back into a wall and knocked me out. But when I woke up I felt a burning sensation on my arm. And there was the mutagen splatters on me. I saw a cooler in the corner of the room wich my dad always kept full of ice so I made my way to it and tilted it over. I put my acking body on the ice. Then I blacked out again." Your voice began to shake at the end and some tears roll down your face. You quickly whipped them away. "I woke up in the hospital and this doctor had a syringe with some mutagen in it. He said he was gunna make me feel better and he was gunna make me even better than I was before. Then he injected it in me. I couldn't feel anything, my hole body went numb. And I couldn't move. I asked what he did to me. He told me he helped improved my new mutant abilities and gave me some new ones. Then he left. Since then I've always tried to hide my powers and every once in a while have a whole day where I could let it all out. But I skipped that day.......And I got this concussion because this guy assolted me and he pulled me to the floor. Then he got on top of me.....and I panicked and accidentally burned his face....." You held your pillow tighter and while away some tears. "Why would you hide that from us?" Leo asks. "I know it's seems dangerous but....I just thought that if I just pretended like I didn't have these......monstrous abilities then.....that monster would leave me alone." You say before hiding your face in your pillow. Raph, who was infront of you, gets up and walks over to sit by your side. Once on the floor beside you he puts an arm around you and pulls you closer to were your head was on his sholder. Your body began to tremble as you cried. Mikey, who felt bad, got up and moved behind you, raping his arms around you. Donnie dose the same but draiping his arm over his brother. "We don't think your a monster. What happened with that guys was an accident." Mikey says. "Yeah and besides that creep deserved it anyway. Shows him right for trying to mess with you!" Raph says with a growl. You move to wipe your tears away and they all dispersed. "Thanks guys." You say actually smiling. "Hey guys!" Kari says stepping in with shinigami. Kari stops when she sees you. "Who's that?" She asks "Kari Shinigami this is (Y/n), (Y/n) this is our sister Kari and her friend Shinigami." Leo says. "You guys wanna join us? were playing pictionary." Leo ads. Kari looks at Shinigami who shrugs smiling. "Sure why not." Kari says taking a seat next to leo. "This should be interesting. I've never really played family games before." Shinigami says. "Me neither." Kari ads. "Ok so it was Raph's  turn." Mikey says before yawning. Raph gets up and you move to where you could see. He draws a card from the dec. "Awe no! Ok fine. This ones not gunna be great but I'll try." He says before beginning to draw. You all start to guess. "Leaf blower." Leo says. "Spaghetti!" Mikey calls out. "Eiffel tower." You say. Raph turns around. "She got it." He says handing the marker to you. You take the marker and a card. It said draw the person who drew before you. You thought for a second and got a cute picture in your head. Then you started to draw. 'First the head then the sholders' you thought. You could hear them giving all these crazy guesses. Then when time was up you stepped away and let them see who you drew. Then you show the card. "It says draw the person before you." Raph pulls out his phone and takes a picture. "Here Kari you can have a turn." You say giving her the marker. "I can't draw but ok." She takes the marker and gose to the board and takes a card. She starts to draw. Every one started to guess what it wa. Eight ours later Mikey fell asleep so Raph took him to his room. You felt tired to but everyone tride to keep you awake. But eventually everyone was asleep and you tried to stay awake but that wasn't happening.
In his sleep completely un-aware Raph puts his arm around you and pulls you close to him. You felt cold and wanted warmth so you snuggle close to him.
Later in the morning Casey along with Mikey was one of the fist to wake up. They saw you and Raph. He was laying on his stomach while you had your head on his shell. You both were sleeping so soundly. So Casey and Mikey took alot of pictures.

nce everyone was wide awake and full of breakfast everyone gatherd in the dojo to watch what Donnie had in store for you. "Ok (y/n) lets start with something easy. Like igniting your hands." He says. You look at your hands nervously. You close your eyes and concentrate on fire. A nice warm hot fire on a cold winter day. And your hands ignited in flames. "Good now lets try transition between fire to ice." You close your eyes and think about a cold day and being frozen. Your hands began to freeze along with your feet. "Donnie you might wanna make her stop." Leo says kind of nervously. You open your eyes realizing you couldn't move your feet. "Now that's what I call cold feet!" Mikey lauphs. Frost crawled up your legs turning to ice. You begin to panic and franticly move. "Stop moving you could hert yourself!" Casey says. "I can't do this!" You shout  at your veins glow and your hair and hands ignight in flames. You used the fire to melt yourself from the ice and you fall back then stammer up. "(Y/n) Calm down!" Kari says wide eyed. You saw that the flames from the candles on a shelf jumped of the candles and to your hair. "Someone put me out!" You beg. Raph pulls Mikey to follow him as they race out. The lights began to flicker and strips of electricity struck your skin. "No no no." You say closing your eyes and trying to calm down. The flames of your hair begun to slowly die down when Mikey and Raph run in with some buckets of water and toss it on you. Only Raph's bucket of water hits you Mikeys bucket hit Leo. "Thanks guys." You say whipping the water away from your eyes. "Was that's sewer water?" You ask. "No it was fresh water." Raph says quickly tossing you a towel. You take it and dry your face and hair. "I don't wanna do that again Donnie never again." You say before whipping your eyes with the towel and walking out of the room. Everyone could obviously see you were upset and what you whipped away were tears. They all look at Donnie. "What do you think Don? Should we see hit her with the retromutagen?" April asks. "Mabey but I do wanna do something else first." He says before walking out. "(Y/n)." Donnie calls out. "Please Donnatello I just need to be left alone." You say. "Look I'm sorry. But let me please just get a blood sample then I can figure out how to make you hman." You look at him with teary eyes. "You know how to help me?" You ask voice quivering. "Yeah I can make up a batch of retromutagen but I'd need a blood sample from you in order to see what kind of powers the Krang gave you." He says. Without a word you hug him tightly. He lightly pats your back in discomfort.

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