A whole new world

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As you and your dad went up the stairs of your old apartment you could see your stuff all packed up and outside the door. "Wow You've got alot of stuff!" Your dad says being sarcastic. And he was right the only things there were like four garbage bags and four boxes. "Here let's get two of each. Let's start with the boxes." Your dad says grabbing one box. You helped put another on the other. "Stay here and gard your stuff." He tells you before going down the stairs only to bump into one of your neighbors and thier son. They help you guys move your stuff to his car and just like that you guys were off. Not that far away was his new place. "Wow your really close to the school." 'And to mister marucamie's' You thought the last part to yourself. "Yep so it saves you alot of time getting there. And speaking of which don't you go back tomorrow?" He asks. "Shoot I was hoping I could skip! And I would have gotten away with it to if it went for my meddling dad!" You say snapping. "You hungry? I'm sure your friends didn't pack some actual food for the rode." He says. You shake your head. "How about pizza?" He asks. "Nope! Real food!" You say. "Let me guess you want spaghetti?" He asks. "You really do remember!" You say pretending to get teary eyed. "Well luckily I have some left over from last night." He says going over to his fridge and getting a container out. "Sweet." You say.


You were on your way to class when one of the guys that you usually get money from the draw on stoped you outside the door. "Hey (y/n)!" You turn and see him and smile. "Hey-! Uh sorry I totally dont know your name." You confessed. "Its Jack. I heard about what happened and I just wanted to make sure you were ok?" He says. You looked at him oddly. "I'm sorry but how do you know that?" You ask. "Oh Yeah I probably should have lead off with my aunt and your dad worked together." He explains. "Oh well ok I was a little worried there for a second! I thought you were a stalker." You laughed. "No way but um I was wondering if you mabey wanted to hangout sometime we could study or whatever..." he says fidgeting with a book. "Um well I'll have to look into that, if you give me your number then I can let you know when I'm open?" You say. "Yeah sure." He takes a sticky note from his pencil case and scribbled something down. He hands it to you before the bell rings. "See Yeah." He says before running off. You got into your class and sit down. You look at the sticky note reading the numbers then what he written underneath it.

Jack Miller
Nice outfit change.

You couldn't believe he noticed that. Unlike all your other outfits you had a nasa sweater and a nasa ballclub that hung from a belt loop. When you got home your dad was getting ready to work late. Before he left he kissed you Goodbye and said. "Dont have anyone over while I'm gone." You smiled and assured him you wouldn't. Then as soon as he was gone you called over the only three girls you could trust with all this tea you had to spill. "April are kari and shinagami on?" You ask facetiming them. "Yeah we're here." A second screen pops up and Kari and shinagami were there. "Ok you wont believe this but I think this guy asked me out on a date!" You say. "WAIT FOR REAL! SPILL ALL THE TEA!" April commands excitedly. "There isn't much but all I can remember was walking to class then getting pulled over to the side by this guy and then hes all like my aunt use to work with your dad and I heard what happened and I wanted to know if you were ok? Then I was like oh ok I was concerned that you were stalking me or something then he was like hey well now that's cleared up do you mabey wanna hang out sometime? Then I said sure but let me think about it. He gave me his number and when I read it it sayed nice outfit change!" You ramble. "Well are you gunna go out with him?" Kari asks. "Mabey my dad should probably think he's a good guy since he knows him." "Wait what's his name?" April asks. "Jack Miller" you say. "REALLY JACK MILLER ASKED YOU OUT!!!!" April asks super surprised. "Yeah...?" You say nervously. "Jack Miller is one of those Popular cause he's cute guys." April says. "Really? I only ever known him to always be at my table at lunch wanting tattoos and watching others get them." You say. "You know what forget it right now we need to know what your gunna wear!" April asks. "Wait why dose it matter what she wears?" Shinagami asks. "Cause presentation is everything." April answers. "Well it's not like I'm going tonight but idk I still haven't checked up with him yet." You say. "Text him now!" They all say. "Ok bye guys! See you later!" You say. Before everyone hangs up. You pull out Jack's # then enter it in your phone.

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