Chapter 6

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When Maddie arrived home, her bedroom was a mess. smashed glass, and broken and ripped pictures where on the floor. her shelf had been snapped in half. tears came to her eyes for some reason.

"Don't Maddie," she said to herself. She felt a hand slip into hers. "Go away Kenzie," she said.

Kenzie didn't reply. Maddie turned around. though it wasn't kenzie. it was Miss Abby.

Maddie got her hand free and walked away. she did not want Abby Lee Miller to see her like this. Maddie looked like this:

There was a huge bandage around her head.

She was wearing nothing but her dirty clothes since she arrived in hospital

she was in her bear feet

her hair wasn't brushed, and was tied into the messiest ponytale possible


her eyes were all red and bloodshot

"Maddie," Miss Abby said. Maddie ran out the door, until she bumped into Kenzie on the stairs. Kenzie stopped her and pushed her back up. Maddie walked slowly towards Miss Abby. Miss Abby gave Kenzie a thankful look, than shut the door.


OMG, Maddie, why did you leave. come back. you can't leave and blah blah blah!

Well I don't care!"

Miss abby closed her eyes. she kept them closed. and she stayed silent. maddie groaned and ran out the door. she ran onto the street, onto the path, and jumped right into the sea!

As she came out, she thought everyone would be screaming at her for doing it. though no one was actually there at all. she could see Miss Abby and Melissa chatting away in the living room through the glass window. she climbed out. her new sneakers were wet. in fact, she was soaked. well, she had just jumped in the sea. she walked in.

"hey mom!" she said. her mom kept talking. she moaned and went upstairs. her shoes were making soggy noises as she walked up the white staircase.

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