Chapter 15

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"no..." she said. "NO!" she screamed. Maddie dived in and pulled her sister out of the water. Maddie thought when Kenzie reached the surface, she would start coughing and breathing, though Kenzie stayed the same. Pale, and not breathing. Dead.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!" Maddie called. Ladies, men, girls, boys walking by ignored her. Maddie threw Kenzie onto the grass and started panicking. She didn't care if she was soking wet and had a high risk of dieing. She had to save her sister. An ambulance parked across the road started moving. This was her chance. Maddie got up and literally, zoomed to the ambulance. The ambulance stopped and a lady came out.

"GET LOST!" she screamed. Maddie felt her tears spilling down her face.

"PLEASE! My sister isn't breathing!" Maddie shouted. The lady immidetly followed Maddie towards the lake. Kenzie was still lying there. The lady went over and investigated. While the lady was checking Kenzie, Maddie heard a call.

It was Melissa!

Later on in hospital, Maddie and Melissa were waiting.

A doctor came out at last. "Please tell me my baby is okay!" Melissa cried. The doctor stared at the floor. "Mackenzie is breathing," the doc said. Maddie's worries faded.

"Though, she isn't ready to leave," he finished. Melissa and the doctor went into a room to talk.

At last, when they both came out, Melissa's face was even paler. White. "What is it?" Maddie asked desperately. "Please, tell me."

Melissa looked at the doctor. "Honey," she began.

"Kenzie is in a coma."

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