Chapter 13

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Maddie ran towards a taxi which was parked. Melissa kicked her heels off and started to run faster than ever.

"Bring us to the ALDC studios backstage NOW!" Melissa screamed at the taxi driver.

Maddie felt her tears coming when they were almost there. How could anyone be so cruel. Butshe guessed she was going to be even more amazed at who was behind it.


Kenzie walked slowly towards her room backstage. No one was there. She badly wanted to run for it, though she knew it would help nothing. Everyone probably thinks it's all part of the act. She knew Abby and Gill all her life, why would they be so mean to her? Gill was always there to help her up, and Abby was always there to help her too.

Though they both aren't who they seem. Just like everyone else in the world.


As Melissa and Maddie climbed out of the taxi and into ALDC, the security guard stopped them. "Tickets," he said.

"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! MY DAUGHTERS IN THERE!" Melissa shouted. While the security guard was giving out to Melissa, Maddie slipped in through the door. The minute she felt she could run, she ran. She ran and ran and ran until she saw Kenzie crying through a crack in the door.

Maddie burst in.


The minute Kenzie saw Maddie, her whole body felt as if it was as light as a feather. She ran over and hugged Maddie so tight.

"You're okay," Maddie breathed. Kenzie didn't answer.

"They won't let mom in," Maddie explained. "So we've got to get out of here."

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