Chapter 12

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"NO! GILL! I have to go home!" Kenzie screamed. Gill was dragging Kenzie towards the stage. "GILL!" Kenzie screamed again. Finally, Gill let Kenzie go. Kenzie stood up and brushed herself down. "Wipe your eyes baby, you can't go onstage like that!" Gill mocked. Kenzie cried. "Please Gill," Kenzie begged. "Take me home!"


Everyone was crying. Everyone. And it was all Maddie's stupid fault. Why did she even think about running away. It made no sense. Everything made no sense anymore.

"We didn't find her yet," the police officer said. Melissa sobbed on the stairs when the police left. Maddie wanted to hug her, but she knew it was her fault Kenzie was gone. This was all her fault. If it wasn't for that stupid day where she ran away Kenzie would be here beside them. It just mad no sense.

Maddie decided to go to the park and to her and Kenzie's special tree. Though this time, Melissa wen with her. "Mom I am so sorry," Maddie kept saying the entire walk. Melissa didn't say anything, though Maddie knew she was mad at her.

When they arrived, Maddie always had a look at the big screen above the movie theater. It always had great shows on. Though, today, on the screen, was Kenzie, sitting on the stage, bauling her eyes out.


"Please get my out of here!" Kenzie screamed at the crowd. The TV presentor went over and gave Kenzie a pat on the back. "There, there Kenzie!" he said proudly. Kenzie shoved him away and fell to the floor. So many people were screaming in the crowd, so happy to see her like this. Was this really entertaining? Kenzie thought.

She sat there, on stage, hugging her knees, crying. No one seemed to notice how wrong this was. Did they think it was part of the act? Kenzie got up and screamed in the presentors face, than ran out.

When she reached the fire exit, she pushed open the door. There was a security guard standing there. He pulled Kenzie back into the hall.

"Listen squirt!" he said. "You better stay here!" and he threw Kenzie back into the hall.

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