Chapter 14

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Maddie and Kenzie both ran for it the minute they were out of the ALDC building. Maddie had texted Melissa to tell her to meet them at the park.


Kenzie knew where Maddie was taking her. To the tree. The tree where all their dreams were invented. The tree that everything kept a secret.


As Maddie and Kenzie reached the park gates, Maddie stopped Kenzie. "What the HECK happened!" she demanded. Kenzie kept quiet. When Kenzie didn't answer for ages, Maddie grabbed her hand and pulled her to the tree.

"The tree," Kenzie said. "I'll tell you at the tree."

After Kenzie had told maddie EVERYTHING, Maddie decided to tell Kenzie things too. After their long conversation, Maddie felt as if her and Kenzie were the same as always. Best friends.


As they were walking out of the park, Kenzie noticed something.  Something strange. She ran over to the lake with Maddie following behind. And there it was. In the water, there was a poster of Kenzie and Maddie. Someone had written:

These two will never get a happy ending


The minute she read this, she felt as if someone had stabbed her. Kenzie must have felt the same. A girl around 15 came up and started yelling at Maddie. Maddie tried to tell Kenzie to run, though when she reached out to grab Kenzie's hand, it wasn't there.

Maddie turned around. Kenzie was in the water. Though not swimming, the opposite.

She was at the bottom. Lifeless.

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