Chapter 17

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A week later, Kenzie was still in the coma.

It felt as if she was dead. She was dead.

Basically to Maddie. Melissa had been sleeping for days, not bothering to do anything or go anywhere. Maddie climbed into bed and hugged Maliboo.

"She's gone Maliboo," Maddie moaned. "She's gone."

And it was true - Kenzie was gone.

The next month, Melissa and Maddie were called into hospital. For Maddie, Kenzie looked like she would wake up any moment. That wasn't true though. Not at all.

"She's not going to wake up, or live," she heard the doctor say to Melissa.

 Melissa wouldn't go near Kenzie. She was too upset. Maddie sat by Kenzie evey day, talking to her, playing with her (even though she was in a coma.) sing to her.

One day, when Maddie went into hospital to see Kenzie, she brought all of Kenzie's old photos and songs to put beside on the locker.

"Remember that day, Abby kept giving out to me because I didn't have new point shoes," Maddie laughed/cried. "It's funny how you can cry and laugh-"

Though Maddie was interrupted by something. A beep. Not just one beep.


At first, Maddie thought it was some kind of gaming device from the room next door, but when she turned around, Melissa and tons of nurses ran in with doctors.

She looked at the machine Kenzie was attatched to. A line. No beeps. Kenzie's heart had stopped.

Mackenzie was dead.

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