~ Twenty-Seven ~

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When she opened her eyes again, Delancey realized she was in a familiar room but it was not her room at home

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When she opened her eyes again, Delancey realized she was in a familiar room but it was not her room at home. Everything was bright and white and the scent of antibacterial floor cleaner and hand sanitizer with a faint scent of lavender hit her, letting her know she was in the hospital.

She had a weird dream. In her dream, she was still back at the abandoned house and she felt like sleeping in the dream, but then she heard a voice. Ashton Sawyer's voice, to be exact, and he was telling her to stay awake and to not fall asleep. She saw his face too, he was so close to her and he was holding her, brushing away her hair from her face with a warm hand. She wanted to stay there in the dream, where it felt so safe. But then suddenly he was gone and there were other hands carrying her and the last thing she heard was a loud wailing siren before everything was swallowed by a sea of blackness.

And now she was in a hospital room.

The dream, of course, didn't happen since Ashton was not talking to her and avoiding her so when she moved her head slightly to the side, she was surprised to find a blonde head leaning on the side of her hospital bed but then she finally realized that the hair was long and she knew that it was Piper, who she was so grateful to see she felt like crying.

"Pi…Pip?" her voice was raspy as she spoke, and she touched Piper's hand lightly with a finger, where the girl finally looked up and jumped up from her seat.

"Oh, God, you're awake! Doctor!" she rushed to the room's door and called out for a doctor before going back in and bursting into tears.

The doctor checked on her while Piper watched and made a call, probably with the principal to tell him that his daughter was finally awake. Once the doctor had left after telling her Delancey seemed to be fine and may be discharged later that day, she blew a sigh of relief and sat back down beside her best friend, her tears having stopped although her eyes were still shiny. She took Delancey's hand and squeezed lightly, smiling at the girl on the bed.

"I'm so happy you're awake," she said. "But why did you leave like that?"

Delancey opened her mouth to speak but then closed it again, pointing at the jug of water on the table beside the bed. Piper immediately rushed to it and poured a glass before holding it to her lips, helping her drink the glass of water. When she had gulped down the whole glass, Piper set it back on the table and sat again.

Delancey was quiet for a while and then finally spoke. "I was afraid if I told you or my dad and ring the police, Matthias would find out and kill Roxy in seconds or something."

Piper sighed at this. "Still, he could have done something worse! I was so relieved to find out he didn't touch you or anything." she paused, shaking her head. "I mean, I've always known Matthias Xanders is a creep but a person capable of murder? That is really… unexpected. He deserved the punch that Ashton managed to give though, before the police handcuffed him."

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