A Vision

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Over the next month, the babies started crawling, which added a new level of chaos to everything. We were getting closer to the bonding ceremony for Billy and Teddy, and anytime they showed up to do anything, at least two little terrors would be scrambling around trying to destroy everything. Yet, despite things taking twice as long because we had to continually move things out of the reach of tiny hands, it was joyful. Zak, Piper, and Flynn were delighted that their younger aunt and uncle were now properly on the move, and they led them around everywhere, raced them, or got on their hands and knees and crawled around with them giggling like mad. When Ziggy and Anna were around they were little mama hens, clucking around the babies, teaching them to finger paint, use puzzles, and make things out of clay.

The cutest thing of all was on occasion the twins would wear themselves out and quite suddenly fall to sleep in a pile, either on the floor or on the couch, the vulparev curled in their little pile with them.

That's how they were when Thor came striding into the room to find me and Bruce looking over a paper on what was being called the x-gene.

"My queen, there you are!" he said, excitedly. The babies shifted in their pile, but neither woke.

I looked up at him confused. He looked completely delighted, but I'd seen him at lunch and nothing had happened in that time that I could think of that would have made him so excited to seek me out.

"Don't you have council meetings now?" I asked as he sat down beside me and pushed my hair away from my neck. He leaned in and sucked on the spot just below my ear and I moaned softly. "Not that I don't like when my spouses come to find me when they're particularly horny or anything."

"I left Natasha and Steven to run things. I had a vision," Thor answered, as his hand began to bunch up my skirts.

"A vision of you having your way with me while poor old Bruce just has to sit there and watch?" I asked as my hands seemed to start running up Thor's chest all on their own accord.

"Yeah, what's with that?" Bruce asked. "I'm not sexy enough for your erotic vision?"

Thor roared with laughter and reached over me pulling Bruce into a heated kiss. "Of course you are, my love," he said as he pulled back. "My vision was not of this. I just had the vision and was so proud of my wife that all I wanted was to have her. I would be even more than pleased to have you too."

"What was the vision?" I asked, pushing Thor back from me a little. "What'd I do?"

"You were being heralded as the savior of Asgard," Thor said, puffing his chest out. "You will drive back a terrible threat to us."

"Who me?" I asked. "You sure it wasn't Wanda or Nat? I mean - I know I can hold my own... but that doesn't sound like me."

"It was you, my life," Thor said. "I know the difference between my wives."

"And so you saw me being heralded and you thought you'd reward me before it even happened?" I asked as he returned to kissing my neck.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No. But it filled me with pride. You have come so far since the day when you called for me to help our family. I remember you offered to go with ... that woman... what was her name?"

"Alexa," I said, thinking back to the very first mission I ever went on because Alexa had taken Clint, Bucky, and Wanda and she wanted me to save her life.

"That's it," he said. "Everyone was so scared for you. You should have seen them after you left. I tried to reassure them but they kept telling me I had no idea. That you weren't like them. You were innocent and you had no training. But you did it. And you have done so much since. You are worthy of Mjolnir and now, my life, you will save my kingdom. And I had to come to you when I saw because I was so filled with love and pride."

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