Punishment Room

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As I enter the room I feel a rush of cold air hit my face, the temperature feels like it dropped 20 degrees the moment I stepped in.

I shiver as goosebumps start to form on my arms and legs. This hospital gown is already pretty thin so nothing is keeping me warm at this moment.

I swear i can see my own breath as I exhale.

I look around, trying to ignore the cold air in the room.

The room is a little bigger then mine, there's a small table with two chairs. The one chair has some kind of head piece with a bunch of wires attached to it.

What the hell are they about to do to me?

I hear the door open and I  wip my head around to see Brenner walk in with a  clipboard and pen in hand.

The image of the label on the door replays in my mind. "Examination Room".

Of course, this sick freak is going to study my brain, find out what makes me tik.

Peter has now made his way to the door as he politely stands next to it waiting for Brenner to pass.

Brenner:"good morning 017, how did you sleep?"

"Fine.." I murmur.

Brenner:"That's good"

He looks over at Peter

Brenner:" Thank you Peter, you may leave".

No, don't make him leave. He's the only reason I'm not loosing my mind.

He gives a small nod and exists the room.

I'm once again alone with Dr. Psycho.

Brenner: "Now then, lets-"

"Your not putting that shit on me"

He looks up and meets my gaze. He realizes  that I'm referring to the contraption next to me.

Brenner: "I'm only going to check your vitals 017, nothing more".

I give him a look that says "yeah right"

I let out a shakey breath.

"Why is it so cold in here"

Brenner looks down at his clipboard and writes something down.

He keeps his eyes on the paper.

Brenner: "we are able to get a better reading on your vitals if your body heat is the only heat source detected on the monitor"

This guy is such a lier.

I scoff at his pathetic excuse. He starts explaining the next step to the "vital examination".

I take this moment to look around the room some more, this room only has one camera. I glare at the lens as the blinking light stares back.

"What's that for?"

Brenner turns around to see what I'm looking at.

I take this moment and switch the wires around on the head piece.

Im assuming everything needs to be in the right place in order to work.

I place it back down exactly how it was before I picked it up. Brenner turns around and asks what I was referring to.

I point to his clipboard as it was the first thing that came to mind.

Brenner smiles and looks at me.

Brenner:" like I said were checking your vidals, I'm just going to write them down so I can put it in your progress filess"

Progress files? Is this guy serious? What progress needs to be made?! Did his stupid ass forget I don't have powers?

He stands up and slowly walks over to me. He picks up the "vital monitor" and places if on my head. I follow the cord as it snakes down my leg. There's a little hole in the wall by my feet where the length of the cord disappears.

There must be a room attached to this on. I'm guessing it holds all the cables, charts, scanners, and whatever else this thing needs.

Brenner starts adjusting the wires around on the contraption to make sure nothing is tangled.

I keep a straight face. If I were to show any emotion he might think I did something.

He then tightens the strap around my chin so it doesn't fall off.

He walks back to his seat and gives a slight nod to the camera.

Nothing happens. My head feels a little tingly, but other than that I don't feel any sort of pain.

Brenner gives a conserned look and looks up at the camera.

He gets up.

Brenner: "Stay here 017, I have something I need to take care of".

Yeah and by that I know he means find out why the heck this thing isn't working.

He leaves the room and I'm left in the room with nothing but the cold air.

(Time skip)

It's been about 15 minutes since Brenner left. Is it really that hard to figure out that a couple of wires were rearranged?

Not complaining though. If it means they keep their crazy contraptions out of my head, then by all means take your time.

I start rolling Brenner's pen around on the table.  Then I notice his blank paper.

I could have sworn he wrote something down.

I look at the pen and click it open.

No inc.

"That bastard" I mumble.

Of course he wasn't writing down anything. He just wanted to make it seem like what he told me was true. Vitals? Please, I wouldnt be in this room just to be having my vitals checked out. And this  thing wouldn't be on my head.

I hear the camera move, it sound like it's zooming in.

I hold up my middle finger.

Then the door opens and Brenner walks in with an annoyed expression.

Did he finally figure it out?

Brenner: "Come with me 017".

I stand up, he quickly unstraps the strap around my chin and grabs my hand.

He heads towards the door. As we walk out I already feel so much warmer, it's like walking into an oven compared to the temperature in the last room.

I look at Brenner's hand as it tightly grips around mine. Gross his holding my hand like he's some kind of loving father. I cringe.

He's walking as if he's on a mission, very fast and purposeful. My arm is starting to hurt as it feels like it's going to be ripped off with how fast he's going.

He stops and I almost run into him because of how sudden it was.

I look over to see Peter.

My face lights up as I see his caring smile look back at me.

But theirs something else behind his eyes.

Something mischievous.

Brenner nods to Peter and he moves out of the way.

My eyes widen as I read the sign.

Punishment room

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