Utter Darkness

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I can't sleep.

I keep thinking about tomorrow's drill.
Brenner assures us that it's just a "drill"

But they're literally making the situation a little too real by releasing the Demodog in the building.

I mean seriously!

This place is a maze. There are so many places it can go, even if it's just the halls.

I wonder if the workers are participating?

I mean they have to practice for the real thing too right?

I can't help but wonder, all the things that could go wrong.

Like what if the shock collar isn't powerful enough to take the monster down.

I'm sure they have tested it, but still. Something could go wrong and we'll all have to stay hidden somewhere until they manage to contain it.

Of course, this will only give me more opportunities to explore the lab.

Maybe I could potentially find more escape routes and exits.

I wonder if Peter's worried about tomorrow.

I'm sure he's done this before.

I think I overheard Brenner talking about how they do it twice a month, one at the beginning of the month and one at the end.

Apparently stuff like this happened a lot when they were studying the gate on the bottom floor.

I check the time.


About a half an hour left before wake up call.

And I didn't get a wink of sleep.


I needed to be energized for today. The drill is going to take a lot out of me.

I sit up putting my hands in my pocket to keep them warm.

I notice that my planning sheet is still in there.

And not only that but a note.

The note Peter gave me not too long ago after he told me the plan.

I never even opened it.

Well, I got nothing else to do.

I slowly fold open the note.


A code? A code to what?

I flip the note over to see if there's anything on the back.


Am I supposed to know what this is for?
Did I miss something?

I let out a frustrated sigh and flop back down on my pillow.

I tuck the note back in my pocket.

"I'll figure it out later" I mumble.

I close my eyes, hoping to get even a couple minutes of sleep.

But it's no use. I'm already wide awake.

I look back up at the clock.


Might as well get up.

I roll out of bed.

I don't have to put my hair up because Peter already did it for me and I didn't wanna mess it up.

I hear the door click.

Peter steps in.

I notice something a little off.

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