Chapter three

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Arriving at the bar I calmly walk in. When I walked inside I noticed women and men in baige uniform and I realized that they must be the new canidates. I go sit down at the bar.
"Whiskey please."
Reciving the glass I look up and fathers friend Penny.
"Penny? Wow I did not know you worked here. How have you been?"
"I've been okay. Well you grew up. How is your father?"
"Oh he's okay."

After talking for a few minutes she had to go to another customer. I saw from my side vision that someone was walking towards me. They sit next to me and asks for whiskey.
"Hey there. I don't think I've seen you before, are you new here?"
"No actually not. I grew up here."
"Oh nice. So what is your name pretty."
"Okay number one, never call me pretty again and number two my name is Riley."
"Oh fighsty. Well I'm hoping to see you around a little more often."
When he left I felt relieved. Sitting there listening to the bar music it's interupted by a piano playing. I listen and the voice sounds so familiar, I look over and see a goodlooking man in a white tanktop, yellow summer shirt, blue jene's and black sneakers. When I looked at his face I noticed he had curly caramel blonde hair and a mushtache. I joined in on the song and it was the song that my father and...goose played in the same bar.

When they where done everyone was cheering and I decided to leave so I paid for my drink and got up and left the bar. He must have noticed me beacause when I walked outside I heard:
"Excuse me!"
I turn around and its the guy from the piano.
Feeling confused I say yes. He takes off the shades and...those eyes.
"Bradley? Oh my god is that really you?"
"Holy shit Riley."
He walks to me and we embrace each other in a hug.
"Holy shit. I thought you where in LA for your training."
"I was but I finished, shit you look good you really do."
"Well I can tell you the same Riley. You really work out."
"Yeah. Do you need a ride?"
"Atually yeah I do."
"Okay hop on."
As we get on the bike he hesitates to take me by the waist but I take his arms and place it around my waist and I told him to hold on, he laughs slightly and whispers in my ear:"Bring it on."
Just then I let go and we pull away at full speed, I feel him tighten his arms and I feel myself smile.

We get to my home and he gets off the bike. I take off the helmet. My hair wet with sweat from the hot sun.
"Well my house is just down there...thanks for the ride Riley. It was great seeing you again."
"It was good seeing you too Bradley. I geuss I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah. See you tomorrow. Good night Riley."
"Good night Brad."
I go inside and my father is sitting at the kitchen tabel.
"Hey dad sorry it took so long I had to give Bradley a okay dad?"
"Why din't you tell me you where joining this mission Riley?"
"Dad I was gonna tell you but admiral Decker came in and clearly beat me to it."
"You can't join this mission it's too dangerous."
" I can't join but you can and get yourself KILLED! NO DAD. I'm flying this mission weather you like it or not!"
I walk out of the house and pull on my helmet. I start her up and drive away.

High flying acesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें