Chapter ten

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Waking up the next morning I feel sweat beading down my forehead. I look at the clock and see it's 03:44 in the morning. I look over at Riley and see she is sound asleep, I get out of bed and head to the kitchen where I sit down on the counter. Sitting there with my head in my hands I feel my eyes begin to tear up. After a few moments of silence I feel someone touch my legs slightly. When I looked up Riley was standing infront of me.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
She looks at me and puts her hand on my face and wiped away the tears.
"You didn't wake me up, my hands started burning again. Whats rong?"
I place my arms around her waist and she puts her arms around my neck, I place my head on her chest. Her breathing was steady.
"It's just something thats been bothering me since yesterday. With Hangman."
"Are you worried about him?"
"What no I'm worried about you."
I look her in the eyes and she slightly smiled and kissed me softly on the lips, just then I remember that gash Hangman gave me.

I grab breakfast and was on the road to base. When I got there I saw Mavrick waiting for me.
"Captain Mavric."
"Lieutenant Bradsaw. I need to speak with you, Its about Riley and you."
My heart sank at the thought that Hangman must have figured it out and told Maverick.
"I just want to know how my daughter is."
"Besides for the fact that she will not be able to fly for a while she is mad at you but she is alright."
"What do you mean by not be able to fly for a while?"
"You should see that yourself, I did not hurt her all I did was stay with her last night so she did nothing reckless again. But when you get back home do not fight with her please she's already been through enough."
He looked down and I walked passed him. After a while we all got in the air to train for the mission.

In the air we go through the canyon those tight turns pressing the air out of my lungs lost in thought and without warning someone comes in over koms.
I swing the plane and lost altetude. Pulling up and then flying a steady pace I look around breathing heavily.
"Rooster are you alright?"
Hearing that voice...Mavrick.
"Yeah I'm alright sir."
"Where the hell is your head Rooster."
I look over at him and he does a half barrel rol to face me upsidedown.
"Rooster get your head in the game. Don't think."
I stay quite and I feel the anger boiling up in me.
"If your gonna think your gonna die out there Rooster."
Without thinking I switch into the Cobra manoeuvre and Mavrick follows.
"How long do you wanna go Rooster?"
"I can do as long as you sir."
Loosing altetude Mavrick pulls up and I follow shortly after.

Getting back to base I do the 200 pushups that Payback thought would be a good idea to do. Lost in thought and thinking about Riley I keep doing the pushups.
"Brad thats enough."
Stopping and sitting up I look at the time and it's time to go home, so I hop on my bike and as fast as I can I drove back home, back to Riley.

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