Chapter twelve

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A week later my hands where better and I could fly again. Getting the canidates ready for the mission in eighteen weeks away my dad tells me to come to base.
"Whiplash, could you please come down to base."
"Yes sir, I'll be there within a minute."
When my dad got off comms I spoke to Rooster.
"Rooster I'm putting you in the position of leader. You know what to do."
"Yep okay. See you bit later Whiplash."
"See you later."
Arriving at base I get out of the plane and my dad walks up to me and we salute.
"Riley I have been thinking...Decker wants a team and the team needs rest so I need your opinion."
As we walk along the hangers we talk and I came up with an idea.
"How about a day at the beach with dog fight football."
"Dog fight football?"
"Yeah its like offence and defence at the same time."
He looks at me and smiles.
"That actually does not sound like a bad idea. I'm thinking next week Wednesday?"
"Sure. Well I gotta get to the hanger. The daggers will be back in a minute or two."
He nods his head and hugs me.

When I got back to the hanger the daggers landed smoothly and they all came to me.
"Hey Whiplash, great flying out there today."
"Yeah it really was you all did really well aviators now what do you say on a nice relaxing day off at the bar tonight hey?"
They all cheer and got out of their uniforms me joining the girls in the locker room.
"So Whiplash?"
Phoenix says next to me at the lockers.
"Yeah Phoenix? Whats up?"
"I do not mean to intrude but what's up between you and Rooster?"
"Uh...can you keep a secret?"
She nods her head and we close up our lockers, while I'm packing my bag I told her.
"Okay so me and Bradley we grew up together and we where like brother and sister, until three years back I went to LA for my last training and I became a lieutenant. Now three years later I'm back and me and Brad started hanging out again until there was a spark and now..."
"Your dating?"
I smile, sigh and let out a nervous laugh and said:
"Yeah and now we're dating."
As we kept talking I realized me and phoenix and I are alot alike. After that we spend the night out at the bar, drinking, singing, dancing. I head home.

When I got home my dad was sitting on the coutch with his phone in his hand. Putting down my keys and my helmet I walk to him and sits crossed leged on the coutch next to him.
"Hey dad. Are you okay?"
He puts down his phone smiles and nods.
"Yeah Bird, I'm alright its just Ice man wants to see us tomorrow." I smile and huged my dad.
"Well when was the last time we saw him...when I was like nine. Dad he's your friend and he's strugling. Altleast go to see him."
He smiled and huged me back. After a nice movie we huged each other good night and I went to bed feeling peace for the first time in a while between me and my dad.

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