Chapter nine

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Sitting on the bed the nurse comes in with Bradley.
"Okay Riley I'm going to need you to take it easy and not fly for the next day and no exitement. Docters orders."
I look at the Docter and nod.
"I promise, no exitement."
When the docter left the room Bradley took my hands and wanted to kiss me till my dad walked in.
"Hey, are you alright Riley?"
"Yeah dad...I'm alright. Who was that guy?"
My dad looks at me and said that I will meet him later but now I have to rest. When my father left I looked at Bradley and he kissed me quickly and I got off the bed and went home.

Getting into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top I get into bed just as I got comfortable Admiral Decker called me.
"Good afternoon Riley I know I should let you rest but there is someone here you have to meet. So come in your best uniform."
"Yes sir I'll be there as fast as I can sir."
"It's probably that idiot from earlyer today."

Arriving at base I stop my bike at the parkings but there was this Jeep that stood over two car parkings.
"Jee does this idiot even know how to drive properly?"
When I walked into the room everyone was quite. They look at me and Bradley nods at me with a serious  look on his face, no smile just...nothing.
"Lieutenant Mitchel. My office please."
I enter and someone laughs and claps they're hands in a sarcasitc manner.
"Well, well, well I will say that little trick you did back there was in many words extrodenary."
Standing there I look him up and down noticing a wolf badge on his flight jacket. He was tall and had on a blue jene, white T-shirt and white sneakers. I looked at his face when he entered the light. His hair was messy, he had a almost strong triangular shape of face, of course he had shades on.
"This is the guy who parked like he bought his license off the street. Jee he even looks like a dork."

"Okay so your a little stiff after that first intro I am Shane Lone Wolf Marchal."
He held out his hand asif to shake but I did not take his, instead I stared passed him. I glance at my father and he is standing straight with his hands behind his back, he looks at me and nods. Shane rolls his hand into a fist, sighed and took off his shades. He got my level and that offended me.I looked him right in the eyes and his eyes where a dark brown color with hazel brown frekkels.
"I know you really do not like me for doing that when you where training those canidates. But I just had to see if you where as good as they say you are."
He gave me a mocking smile that made me want to break his nose in Deckers office.
"I understand. But you got your wish and I hope you are happy about that."
"Ooh you really are fighsty. Yes I am happy that I got my wish."
He stood up and put his shades back on and walked passed me, giving me a small nuge with his elbow pushing me aside.
"Welp I gotta go see you later Whiplash."
"Thats lieutenant Whiplash to you 'Lone Wolf'."

"Dad who the hell was that guy?"
"Riley calm down."
"No dad I'm not going to calm down, you saw what he did, he could have gotten both of us killed out there and would have endangered the aviators with those stunds he pulled with that wierd plane of his."
"RILEY! Calm yourself. No one got hurt, your just a little shaken thats all. Now I will tell you everything tomorrow when I am back home. Now go home and rest."
My eyes start to tear up. I salute and walk out of the room I walk out of the room where Bradley sat.

Seeing her walk by I stand up and started walking after her but I was stopped by Hangman.
"Hey hey woah there Rooster can't you see Whiplash is upset. Just give her some space."
He puts his arm around me and starts walking to the other side of the room.
"But...I gotta know what is the connection between you and Whiplash?"
"That is none of your business Hangman."
"Oh sorry. I didn't know she was your best friend and all. I really will be surprised if she is your girl."
I push his arm off mine and he stops me by standing infront of me.
"Hangman don't push it. Get out of my way."
He looks at me and smiles.
"She really is gorgeous man if only I could get her in my bed at night."
I hit him hard in the face and push him to the floor, his boys picked me up and held me still. He hit me in the face making me fall to the floor. He bent down with his foot on my chest pressing down on my lungs.
"Think before you do next time Rooster. Sooner or later your gonna loose her for always wanting to help and run after her everytime she's upset."
Strugling to breath I look him dead in the eyes and he walked away. Sitting there on the floor I move to the wall and when I wiped my mouth I saw blood.
"Wow he really got me good there." Moments passed and then only one name popped up in my head
I get up and get into my car driving where I think she could be. When I got to my house I thought I heard a guitar comming from her house. I walked in and went up the stairs and she was on the floor playing her guitar, tears streaming down her face. Her knuckles bruised and bleeding I looked at her walls and they where full of small spots of blood. There where drum sticks broken and full of blood. I walked to her and saw her eyes where closed but she was awake. I looked at her face and the one side was cut asif something sliced through  her eyebrow. I got down on my knees infront of her.
She opened her eyes and put her guitar down and immediately got on her knees and put her hand on my face where I was bleeding.
"What happend to you?"
"Just me and Hangman thats all. But no need to worry about me what about you. You look really bad."
She looked at me and her eyes teared up again and she told me everything. I sat down and crossed my legs exhausted from the flight and the fight, I rest my head on her chest.
"Come on Brad lets go clean up this blood before my dad gets back."
We went to the bathroom and she cleaned my lip gash and I helped to clean her hands and her eyebrow. Being to exhausted we both fall asleep on her bed. She rested her head on my chest and fell asleep as I played with her hair. Feeling concerned about her I could not sleep that night and thought on taking the next day off to be with her but I thought other wise.

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