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My books fell off so badly so i'll most likely start making books but not publishing them cause i swear nobody reads my books anymore. I'm the ybn nahmir of wattpad 

Third Person Pov 

Doug had been up all night thinking bout what his friends had said. I mean of course he knew what they were saying wasn't true but he always wondered why people always thought of him and his friend as something more. Normally when he see's those things online it doesn't bother him but lately. 

Without a second thought doug picked up the phone and called the one person he knew would make everything better. After two rings kevin picked up wondering why his friend was calling so later. "You good?" Kevin asks and doug smiled a little. 'Yeah I'm fine I just got a lot on my mind" doug says truthfully. 

He didn't want to tell kevin exactly what was bothering him. He felt like it was silly and he didn't want to waste kevin's time. "What's on yo mind baby boy?" Kevin asks. "Just some memories of my dad before he passed. I keep thinking about our last conversation" Doug says telling the half truth. 

Kevin could tell he wasn't telling the full truth but he didn't wanna push the subject. "What did ya'll talk about? You never told me" Kevin says. "We were talking about soulmates stupid I know but i just wanted to know what it was" Doug says. "It's not stupid trust me it's not but why'd you wanna know?" Kevin says. 

"I was going through a lot at such a young age and I knew I'd most likely end up being one of those people who have trust issues and push people away and i wanted to know what a soulmate was so that when i found that significant person i would know and wouldn't push them away" Doug says. "What did he say a soulmate was?" Kevin asks. 

"He told me that a soulmate didn't always have to be in a lovey dovey romance type relationship. He told me a soulmate was like a best friend but a little more it's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else" Doug starts. 

"It's someone who makes you a better person well actually they don't make you a better person you do that yourself cause they inspire you" Doug says with a small smile thinking back to the conversation. 

"It's the one person who knew you and excepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. No matter what happens you'll always love them nothing could ever change that. That's what he told me a soulmate was" Doug says. "Do you believe it?" Kevin asks and doug lets out a small laugh. 

"Yes, I do believe it" Doug says honestly. He believed his father he was wise and always knew what to say to make things better he would be a fool not to believe. "Well if that's what a soulmate is then i think my soulmate has been in front of me for years. Word to my dead I believe I've always had my soulmate with me" Kevin says. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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