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Third Person Pov 

Doug held his phone looking at kevin's contact not sure if he should call or not. I mean this was his friend so i mean it should no problem picking up the phone and calling him. But after everything he wonders if he can really call kevin a friend. A friend doesn't make your heart race, a friend doesn't kiss you. 

Doug is in love with his friend always has been. He doesn't know why it took him so long to realize it. "This is stupid" Doug says turning his phone off. Soon he heard the window open and he already knew who it was. "You know there's a such thing as a door" Doug says trying to ignore his heart beating hard against his chest. 

Kevin ignored his friend comment continuing to walk to his friends bed. By the time kevin sat down doug felt as if he couldn't breathe. 'Great since when am i this nervous around him' Doug thinks to himself. "I'm sorry things have been so weird. I have just been confused" Kevin says looking down at his hands. 

"Don't worry bout it let's just pretend this didn't happen" Doug says and kevin shakes his head. "Naw i can't do that. Doug for to long i have been trying to hide how i really feel. Everybody could see it but us" kevin says followed by a small laugh. 

"You know me better than anyone else. You inspire me every day to be better i have done some things in life i'm not proud of but you stayed by my side and excepted me for who i was. You've always believed in me when nobody else did. You always give me support no matter what, you come to all my concerts every video shoot your there" Kevin says. 

"A lot of people say i'm young and dumb and that ion know anything well maybe their right. But one thing i know is that i'll always love you no matter what" kevin says before grabbing doug's hands. Both males stared into each other's eyes nothing but love in their eyes. "I love you word to my dead i do more than anyone or anything" Kevin promises. 

"I love you too" Doug says a smile on his face. Kevin moves his hand moving it up to doug's neck before slamming their lips together. 

Only two more chapters 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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