A Tale of Two

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"What was she like?" Jimin asks, standing next to his superior.

"Very... interesting."

Jimin can't resist raising a brow. "Interesting, sir?"

He hums. "The first thing she says to me is: 'I know, I've looked better'."

"I see what you mean." Namjoon begins to stroll away, Jimin hot on his tail. "How long is she going to be locked up?"

The Executive shrugs him off. "I'd say two days to be safe. I already set up some food and water in there so we don't have to open the door."

Jimin doesn't know why he's so paranoid about their new guest. He hasn't even seen her yet - Namjoon required them to stay in the cockpit to ensure a safe passageway for her to the medbay. Jung Hoseok was very unnerved about the whole situation, and Jimin can't blame him. Going back for a survivor of a craft deemed unsafe is very... risky. Jimin has never thought about the decisions that a captain would have to make, but now since they're on their own, it's hard not to ponder.

"If you wish to speak with her, there's an intercom down there. I'm going to be completely honest, I need to rest. We all do, but if you can't sleep, I doubt she can either." Namjoon gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Goodnight, rookie."

"Night, Captain."

The new Captain stiffens. "Captain," he says, swirling the word around on the tip of his tongue.

"You are the new Captain," Jimin replies.

He frowns. "Yeah, yeah I guess I am."

Without another word, he leaves. Jimin stands in the corridor, watching his superior saunter away until he's completely out of sight. After a few seconds of hesitation, Jimin decides traverse the hallway in the opposite direction. His hands clutch into fists then straight again over and over as he navigates the ship. He doesn't understand why he's so anxious to speak to the girl. Maybe because he isn't a captain, or maybe because he hasn't talked to anyone who wasn't apart of the Hep crew since he last saw his family.

He gulps as the red medbay door comes closer. It's a large mass of metal with a tiny rectangular slab of glass near the top. Luckily, Jimin is just tall enough to peek through it, so he'll be able to see her. He doesn't know who the L/N family is, but Captain Kim made them out to be a big deal. Perhaps he should treat her as such.

Jimin slows his pace when he reaches the entrance. He lets out a soft breath, his finger stiffly floating right in front of the intercom. He could easily press it, introduce himself, and see what she's like. Alternatively, he could retreat to his quarters and sleep off a long day. Realistically, he could talk to her when she's out of quarantine. That would probably be easier.

His mind moves rapidly, but ultimately, he decides to peek through the glass. His pupils fall on her. He's glad he didn't do anything. She seems so peaceful. She's curled up on the bed, sheets over her figure with her h/c hair already messy. Jimin has to admit she's very attractive. He can also tell she's been sleeping for some time. So, instead of being some creep who watches girls sleep, he smiles and turns away, preparing to do the same thing.

~11:36, the next day~

The medbay is cramped.

You barely have enough room to do your daily routine. Twenty squats, jumping jacks, push ups, and sit ups. Have to stay in shape if you're going to be on the run in space. Before even considering leaving, you stayed in shape to be prepared for the unknown. You never know when you'll need to run a mile to save your life. Or even when you'll have to be stronger than someone to save yourself and others. Or at least, that's how you always looked at it. Those thoughts gave you an excuse to do something to pass the time.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now