The First Fight

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A/N: Only ten chapters left after this! We're almost done!

~The Next Day | 13:22~

You're next to Jimin, who's trembling. He said yesterday this is around the time he'd hear back from his parents, if they chose to respond. You personally think he has nothing to fear, but you understand why he'd be so nervous. Regardless, he wanted you to be here. Not only to informally meet his parents, but to be there in case they don't respond.

Jimin keeps refreshing his inbox every fifteen seconds, and it pains you to see him like this. You wish you could kiss it better, but you know you can't. That doesn't mean you can't at least try.

You tap your fingers on his shoulder. He stiffens at the touch. You use your index finger to tilt his chin toward you, and his eyes jump upon meeting yours. You smile and give him a reassuring gaze. "No matter what happens, I'm here," you whisper. His eyes scream his thanks. He gazes at you like no one else ever has: with so much love and admiration.

He leans forward and kisses you. However, after only a couple seconds, he pulls away. You go back to your girlfriend duties and wrap an arm around him, massaging his shoulders.

"Thank you for being here," he says.

You reply by kissing his cheek. "I'll always be here."

He gazes back at you, and you lock eyes. A spark goes off inside your chest. You can hear your own pulse as you fall deeper into his brown eyes. He's beautiful, on the inside and out.

"You okay?" he asks so softly it almost makes you let out an 'awe'. Even here, in his moment of anxiety and fear, he's asking if you're okay.

"Of course, I'm just worried about you."

He smiles and gives your nose a boop. "As long as you're here, I'll be alright."

After a few seconds of staring, he turns back to his hologlobe and continues to refresh. You keep up with your shoulder massages, and it goes like that for several more minutes.

You lean your head on his shoulder and stare up at the ceiling, using only one hand to massage his shoulder now. After another minute of silence, he goes still. You wait a few seconds, waiting to hear the 'beep' of the refresh. It doesn't come.

You snap up and glance over at him. He's frozen, eyes glued to the screen. You stay silent, peeking over his shoulder. He has one new message from an unknown source. He lets out a shaky breath, and you kiss his neck, breathing in his scent. You don't speak; you sit there with your head on his shoulder, peeping at the hologlobe with him.

He takes a few more seconds, then raises one of his shaky fingers and taps on it. It brings up a video message that's black at first, then, Jimin presses play. It switches to a nice, medium-sized house. There's a man sitting on a chair in what appears to be a kitchen. It's all wooden, lots of cabinet space and even a fridge with a water dispenser in the corner. There's some paintings and house plants as well, but you pay no mind to them. You only pay attention to the man. He looks very similar to Jimin, almost identical.

"Jihyun," Jimin whispers.

"Park Jimin, you son of a bitch," Jihyun says through the screen, although you can tell it was meant in a joking manner. Jimin laughs, holding a hand over his mouth. You can see the tears starting to form in his eyes.

"You're damn right it's been a long time. We miss you so much. Mom and dad showed me the message. I don't think they'll be making an appearance yet, but I'd love to go back and forth with you. I've really missed you, big bro. I'm so sorry about your friend, and for everything else you've been through. I wish I could be there for you right now, so you better visit soon."

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora