All Good Things... (Part 2)

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Jimin is not okay.

He has been trying his hardest to push aside his emotions, but he can't. Every few steps, he thinks of Y/N, and each flash makes tears come to his eyes. He didn't get to say goodbye. He doesn't remember their last words. They kissed for the last time. They hugged for the last time. They smiled at each other for the last time.

He didn't even get to tell her that he loves her.

Jimin and Yoongi keep moving forward, trying to find the closest exit, which happens to be the north end. However, it seems as though that's where the Belt is coming from, so Jimin sighs and slows down, Yoongi slowing down with him.

"Let's try the west end," Jimin says as more gunfire erupts around him. "We need to keep moving."

Yoongi motions to the fires in the distance and the ships in the sky. "How will Ganymede fight back?"

Jimin doesn't answer until they reach the nearest sidewalk and stop in front of a glass building. "I don't know."

He glances around and sees a group of Belters gunning down innocent civilians not far from them. He can't help it: he snaps at the sight. Without giving Yoongi a chance to react, Jimin rushes toward them with his weapon on standby.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asks in a yelp as he sprints off after his superior, but Jimin ignores him and leans against the corner of the closest building to aim his AR at the group of Belters.

"For Y/N."

He opens fire, not regretting a single bullet he shoots. Yoongi hesitates but eventually crouches next to him and joins in. The Belters are too stunned to look for cover—they whip around and try to return fire, but due to their head start, Jimin and Yoongi are victorious.

They killed seven Belters. Seven. Out of all the ships and troops, they only killed seven. It's not enough for Jimin. He feels the need to help Ganymede, and he's not sure why.

Yoongi side eyes the captain. "We can't take them all on by ourselves."

"I know, but taking out a few squads can save so many people. Trust me, it can help in the long run. Ganymede needs all the help they can get."

"Yes, I know, but Jimin-" He cuts off for a moment to shake his head. "This isn't you. All this killing."

"I don't want to kill anyone, Yoongi, but we don't really have much choice, do we? Ganymede is under attack. Would you rather me let innocent Ganymedians die?"

"Why are we on their side?"

Jimin lets his head lean back against the building, and the coolness of the glass eases the sweat soaking his hair. "Because the Belt is worse. Do I need to remind you what those bastards did to Jungkook? The Ganymede citizens are innocent in all of this, but the Belt doesn't care. Ganymede never wanted a war. The Belt did."

Yoongi rubs his lips together before agreeing. "Alright, tell me what to do."

"We need to help evacuate these people. Some groups still haven't gotten into the bunkers. If we can cover them while they move, we can save them."

Yoongi peeks around the corner at the next large group of people approaching. "Jimin... wait," he whispers, and the captain peers at him in alarm.

"What is it?"

"We need to run, now!"

He swivels on his heels and scampers off in the opposite direction, so Jimin peeps around the corner. As soon as he does, his figure stiffens, and his hands clamp around his weapon.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now