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Jimin rushes back to the bridge, watching as Y/N inspects Jungkook, who nods to her questions. Jimin glances at Seulgi and Baekhyun, who eagerly await his news. "We're being boarded. We have approximately three minutes until they arrive." All four of them share a look of shock. Jungkook, on the other hand, appears sick. But there's no time for Jimin to ask about his condition for Hoseok and Namjoon come back into the room as well.

"We don't know who they are or what they want, but we need to stand up for ourselves. I'll go to the armory and get us weapons," Namjoon says, but Jimin stands tall.

"Sir, may I suggest an alternative?" Namjoon almost jumps, actually, everyone does, but he nods regardless. "Get weapons as a worst case scenario, but if they're boarding us this fast, I'm guessing they outnumber and outgun us anyway. I suggest we hide."

"Hide?" Namjoon asks.

Jimin nods, glancing around before setting his plan in stone. "Shut down our systems, lock them out of our ship. Hoseok, how many escape pods does this ship have?"

"Fifteen," the Agent replies, his tongue rolling over each letter slowly.

"And how many people can one hold?"


Jimin hums, dipping his head and motioning to Hoseok. "I suggest we jettison two of them, keep our ship locked down, erase security camera footage, and hide."

Everyone goes quiet to absorb the plan, Jimin resting his hands behind his back so he can fiddle with them. He gnaws on his lower lip, peeking around and praying he doesn't get screamed at for speaking up. For talking back to authority yet again, something he really needs to stop doi-

"I agree," a male voice says. To Jimin's surprise - it's Jungkook's. "If we're hiding, they'll search for us in squads. If they even find us, it will be easier to take them out," Jungkook adds, which Jimin is grateful for. Despite how ill he looks, Jungkook still knows what he's doing.

Namjoon seems hesitant, then agrees. "Okay, I'll get weapons. Hoseok and Seulgi, wipe the footage and shut us down. Jungkook, jettison the escape pods. Y/N and Jimin, lock the bay doors to buy us some time. Find us hiding spots as well." The crew disperses, doing their assigned tasks. Jimin and Y/N go down into the bay, approaching the controls as the feeling of a ship above them hits. The Moonchild rattles.

"Shit, we don't have much time," Jimin mutters, locking down the doors. The lights switch to the red emergency lights, the visibility greatly reduced.

"Do you know where we can hide?" Y/N asks.

Jimin nods. "There's a few places. Under the floorboards are crawlspaces. There's some security closets that can lock and are extremely difficult to force open. Those are our best bets."

Y/N stares at him in admiration, him almost tripping from the sight. "You're truly something, you know that?"

Jimin gives her a shy glance. "I-I don't know..."

"Okay, here," Namjoon interrupts, coming from behind them.

He hands them a pistol and an assault rifle. Jimin isn't sure which generation the rifle is, but he doesn't bother studying it, he simply straps it around his body and holsters his pistol and Y/N mimics his actions. Namjoon goes up to give the others their weapons right as sparks start to come out from the door. "They're here," Jimin whispers. Y/N nods, backing away from the door.

The two go back up to the bridge to check on everyone's status. "We have no time, we need to hide," Namjoon says, urging Jungkook to get away from the panel.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now