Kim Seokjin

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"Jin. Kim Seokjin," the man says as he unscrews the panel from the wall.

"Why are you helping us?" Namjoon asks.

"I want out of here. I hate this place, not enough mirrors to admire my beautiful face." Seulgi and you share a look, but don't comment on Jin's words.

"So... you're helping us in the hopes that we'll let you on our ship?" Baekhyun asks.

Jin nods, then pauses to place a hand on his cheek, batting his eyelashes at your group. "Or I can call this in. Your choice, really."

"Nice to know you're helping us out of the goodness of your heart," you say, grunting as you say the words.

He scoffs, brushing your comments off. "You can criticize me all you want dear, but who's the one sneaking around and trying to break into places?" You go silent. He's not wrong, so who are you to judge? But you have no time to ponder that. He works fast, quickly getting the panel off and throwing it to the side. "Alright, you guys go in first."

Everyone hesitates, but eventually agrees. You go first, crawling in. It's not too tight, so you do manage to stand once you're fully inside, but it's still cramped. You get slightly claustrophobic at the walls and pipes around you. Hoseok comes in next, followed by Baekhyun, Seulgi, Namjoon, then Jin, who puts the panel back on.

"It isn't screwed in, but at least it doesn't look suspicious," he explains.

"Which way?" you ask, starting forward.

"Let me pull it up," Seulgi says, tapping on the display scanner. The scanner displays the map as a hologram, seemingly every passageway on it. "We're here." Seulgi lets you see the scanner, pointing to where the service tunnel is.

"What are you looking for?" Jin asks. Seulgi doesn't answer, she simply scrolls down the hologram, trying to find where the data log center is. Jin grunts at the silence.

Hoseok sighs. "Listen man, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think any of us trust you."

"I don't blame you, I don't trust you either. I just want out."

"We can't guarantee your safety, or even guarantee that we won't drop you in an escape pod and blast you to another planet," Namjoon says.

"I don't really care what you do with me, as long as I get off this stupid station," Jin replies.

You roll your eyes, letting out a huff. "We're looking for the data logs. Any idea where those will be?" Everyone stares at you in shock, even Jin. Yeah, you spilled. What is he going to do? Call you in? If he was going to do that, he would have done it already. He's made his motives very clear, he has no reason to turn you guys in.

"They moved the logs recently," Jin says.

"So they're no longer kept in the center?" Seulgi asks, which Jin hums to.

"They were getting a lot of hackers and break-ins. They wanted to limit that. They moved it to a place where no one would expect: the commanding officer's quarters."

"Is the commanding officer in his quarters right now?" Baekhyun asks.

Jin's eyes fall flat. "No clue."

"How do you even know this? What's your rank?" Namjoon asks.

Jin looks at him funny, his head tilting. "Rank?" he slowly asks. You softly smile from your little corner, resisting the urge to do a mental cheer. Finally, a system you recognize.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now