Jeon Jungkook

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~The Next Day - 17:45~

"We've arrived at the Belt. Where should we stop first?" Baekhyun asks. The crew is crowded around the poor Pilot as he makes his descent. There are multiple civilizations around the Belt. Yes - the Belt. The asteroid belt. There are civilizations around an asteroid belt. Some are large enough for whole domes and cities while others have just enough room for villages and towns.

"Try the industrial district. If we set down there, I have a friend who can help us," Namjoon says. Jimin and Y/N share a look of concern, but still watch as Baekhyun does as he's told.

Jimin leaves the cockpit, heading onto the bridge and tightening his utility belt. They didn't quite agree on broadcasting their side of the story, but Namjoon had a similar plan. Get to the Belt and meet someone he used to know. Namjoon makes his acquaintance sound like a kid. An experienced kid. Jimin has learned to never judge someone based on age anymore, especially since his crew has particularly large age gaps.

Namjoon approaches him, standing on the other side of the table as Jimin makes sure his attire is ready to go. "How long has it been since you've been to the Belt?" Namjoon asks, which causes Jimin to pause and look up.

"Not long enough," Jimin replies, beginning to work on his belt again. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his Captain smile. Jimin would be lying if he said his heart isn't filling with warmth from the sight.

"This friend is a platinum intelligence officer."

Jimin glances up. "I thought our rankings were only for core systems like Earth, Mars, and Calisto. Why does the Belt have the same ranking?"

"This man isn't from the Belt: he's from Mars. He was an Executive Officer on the Hep only a year before I boarded, so around six years ago."

This only makes Jimin more confused. "I thought he was just a kid."

"23. Younger than us, sure, but he's experienced."

Jimin stiffens, doing the math in his head. After he concludes his counting, he blinks a few times, holding back a gasp. "A 17 year old was an XO?"

Namjoon confirms it with a hand wave. "A very talented kid. Was the Executive Officer for a year and a half before deciding to leave to pursue his research."

"And how can he help us?" Jimin asks.

"He's been all around the solar system. Spent a lot of time on Ganymede three years ago, I think it was even a full two years. Then he went to Mars and Earth then ended up at the Belt doing field research on the different ships and firepower of each civilization."

"So, since he knows so much about the firepower of each civilization, he might be able to help us identify who blew up the Silver Angel."

Namjoon hums. "That, and he can ensure that if we broadcast our message, it gets everywhere. No interruptions, even to places as far as Neptune."

"We're approaching the industrial civilization. We need to activate our transponder in order to land," Baekhyun calls out from the cockpit.

"Alright Engineer, you're up," Namjoon says, and Jimin dips his head.

He treks over to the other side of the bridge, locating the panel used to hide the transponder. He forces it open, and out pours a panel consisting of one large computer screen. Jimin taps through the controls, a little confused at first, then, he sees what the problem is.

"In order to activate it, we need to give the cruiser a name," Jimin says, peeping over at his Captain.

Namjoon halts and stares at Jimin for a few moments before giving him a small smile. "What do you want to name it?" he asks.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now