Attack on Bangtan

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The chair is against the wall, facing you, your muscles straining to lift Jimin up even a little bit. His body doesn't budge despite you putting as much strength as you can muster into it. All you need to do is get him sitting in the chair, then you can drag the chair back to the holding facility. How you're going to get Seulgi... well, you'll think of that when you get there. Right now, you need to focus on getting Jimin out of the interrogation room without getting him trampled or you knocked over. A silver chair is much more visible than scrappy-looking unknowns in dark red lighting.

You rest your hands on his arm pits, panting as you try to lift him up high enough to get his butt on the chair, but it doesn't work. With a huff, you try again, your muscles in physical pain as you go. A tear even falls down your cheek at the effort. You give up after seven seconds, your hip and back are still in so much pain from when you got thrown to the ground.

"Jimin. Jimin please wake up," you say, resting your hand against his cheek as your voice cracks. "Please, please wake up." When he remains unresponsive, you take one deep breath and prepare yourself again, getting a strong grip on his body and pulling with all your might. His body does come off the floor this time, his butt actually close to the seat, but the searing pain in your muscles causes you to scream. It feels as though someone is ripping a hole through your back, and you accidentally drop him and fall to the ground face first.

You sob, whispering soft cries to Jimin to wake up, but that doesn't happen. For a full two minutes, you sit on the ground of the interrogation room and wail, the pain making it so you can barely move. If you can't even get Jimin, there's no way you can get Seulgi. The room fills with more smoke by the minute, your lungs burning and begging for fresh air. Not that you really know what that's like. If you don't leave soon, both you and Jimin will die.

The ship rattles rapidly, the battleship not doing too well against the opponent. The shock of a battleship not annihilating its enemy doesn't fully hit you since you're too worried about Jimin and Seulgi. You close your eyes, about to accept your fate when a faint voice calls out to you.

"You're a coward... a disgrace for a daughter. Why do we even bother with you?"

You don't open your eyes, but your tears stop. "Dad?" you whisper.

"You've done nothing but dishonor our family, you should be ashamed!"

After a beat, your eyes snap open. "No..."

"You'll never own up to your mistakes! Never make anything of yourself! Never be the strong woman I wanted you to be!"

"No!" you say, pounding your fists against the ground and kneeling, your breathing heavy. You won't listen to him any longer.

"You're nothing."

The words bounce around your mind until your veins come alive again. You approach Jimin and wipe away your tears, going into a squatting position, your hands on Jimin's body once again.

"You'll never be a true L/N!"

You wince as you pull, your muscles contracting and the smell of your sweat clogging your nostrils. All you hear are hisses and groans, the ache in your hip almost wiping you out again, but you endure.

"You're useless! A waste of my time! I wish you were never born!"

There's a grunt that passes your lips, but it comes out as more of a yell as you lift Jimin up, your muscles in so much pain that your vision goes blurry.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now