The Red Planet

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~One Day Later - 13:45~

You stand there, healthy and ready to leave your cage. Namjoon came by in the morning to let you know that he (somewhat) trusts you - and since you haven't shown any signs of illness, you're good to go. You bounce up and down on the balls of your feet, anxious to know when you're getting out. Of course you're only assuming he wasn't lying. Really you won't know until the end of the day, but you can't help but pace around anyway. Every second you spend in here is a second you could be wandering the ship and busting a metaphorical nut over the design. You would do anything to get your hands on the controls of this small ship, you've always wanted a medium sized to call your own. You could do jobs in it, live in it, have a crew... everything. That's always been your dream.

"Y/N, good afternoon. I have the whole crew with me," Namjoon says, breaking you out of your thoughts.

"Good afternoon, I'm excited to formally meet everyone. That little slab of glass hasn't exactly been helpful."

He chuckles. "I agree, I may have met you but these rookies haven't. Everyone, let's meet Y/N L/N officially."

The door hisses, then fully opens. You blink a few times before your eyes adjust to the new space. Five people stand in the cramped corridor. Namjoon stays behind the others, smiling brightly. You peep around at each of them. Four boys, one girl. Your eyes scan over each one of them, studying their features closely.

Your heart stops when your eyes land on the smallest boy with long, fluffy black hair. You don't know what it is inside you, but you feel your breathing halt and your stomach fill with tingles. He's in a denim jumpsuit, his brown eyes meeting yours. A sharp face and jawline, smooth skin (especially for someone working in space), and he looks to be muscular. You have to admit: he's pretty attractive. More than attractive - gorgeous. You already know who it is just by looking at his expression.

"Jimin?" you ask, and he nods. You let your eyes linger on him for another moment, your heart refusing to slow down before moving onto the next member.

"I'm Baekhyun," he says.

You grin, giving him a nod. "It's nice to finally meet all of you. I can definitely tell Seulgi apart from the rest of you." You pause to point at her, and she agrees, stiffly smiling. So much for her being your friend. "And Hoseok." He beams at the mention of his name. They all stare at you like you're foreign. All except Namjoon and Jimin.

"Well, I really need to get out of here, but I look forward to spending time with everyone," you say, yawning and striding forward. The crew parts for you, letting you dash past them. Jimin follows you as you march towards the bay, then to the cockpit.

"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asks from the end of the corridor.

"Staring at the controls and trying not to bust a nut." Jimin nearly snorts at your words as you take a seat in the pilot's chair, scanning over the controls. Your eyes widen in amazement, peeking at all the flips and switches and even the main joystick.

"Hey, this is my baby!" Baekhyun says, but you can tell he's joking. You give him a smug smile before turning your attention to the dashboard. Good, another person who can joke around. Maybe this crew isn't so bad after all.

"Wow... you're beautiful," you whisper, placing your hand on the dash gently.

Jimin sits in the co-pilot's chair, staring at the controls with furrowed brows. "You know, back in university, they made us go through a course on flying. I still don't understand the controls."

You laugh at his words, glancing over at him. "It takes a long time to learn, much more than a single course."

"The engineer and the pilot, huh?" Namjoon says, creeping into the cockpit.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz