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Jimin ran after Y/N as soon as she took off. She was slow due to her injury, but somehow she still managed to get up the ladder and find her quarters due to them all being marked with each crew member's name. She didn't bother closing the door since she knew Jimin was following her. He's grateful for that, he doesn't really want to leave her alone right now. Not after what happened. The Engineer doesn't know why he feels so obliged to be with her, but he does.

He enters her room and closes the door, watching as she groans and sits down on the bed. Each quarter is significantly larger than the ones on the Athena. There's enough room for a mirror set and dresser along with a separate closet that actually has a decent amount of room in it. Each bed is a queen size, with the Captain and Executive Officer's quarters having a king. Overall, a nice room. Comes with carpeting and an emergency crash chair, just in case they get attacked in their sleep.

Jimin slowly sits down next to her, giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. After a few seconds, she speaks. "Does he know I'm on this ship?"

Jimin peers over at her, but her eyes are on the ground. "Probably."

"How did he find us?"

"I'm guessing when we boarded the Silver Angel, news of our arrival spread down to Mars."

"And he picked up that news from there since he's my father. He has friends all over Mars," Y/N says with a huff, nearly groaning at the revelation.

"Hey, on the bright side, we haven't replied to his constant requests yet. We don't plan on it." When she doesn't answer, Jimin rests his hand on her shoulder. She finally looks up at him, and to his surprise, she has tears in her eyes.

"I finally got away. I hate the situation we're in right now, don't get me wrong, but at least I'm finally doing something with my life." Jimin stays quiet, choosing to listen closely to what she has to say. "My father would try and get me to go to university and study some prestigious new medical or science field. He wanted me to be a leader, a fighter like him. I wanted to fly around the galaxy. A classic villain dad, right?" She pauses, sniffling. "Until he started hitting me."

Jimin's stiffens for a moment before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, guiding her head onto his lap. Her hair sprawls out on his sweatpants, and his hand can't help but fall to her locks, stroking them softly. She stares at the wall. "The night I left was the night he disowned me. He was going to kick me out of the house, pretend I was never apart of the family. Pretend I was never born."

Jimin's heart cracks at the story. He knew she had good reason to leave her family, but he didn't think it would be so scarily similar to his own reasoning. He left Earth because of his parents, and she left Ganymede because of her father. Both for practically the same reasons.

She sniffles. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop this all on you. I've only told one person this before, believe it or not." She turns her head to look up at him, and his eyes fall onto hers.

"I understand. More than you realize, I understand what you went through." She gives him a gaze of sympathy, sitting up but still staying close to him. Her face is only inches away from his, her brows furrowed close together. Her eyes continue to give him the sympathy.

"You too?" He bites his lower lip, then nods. She sighs and looks down. "I guess we were both disappointments then, huh?"

"Not to this crew." When she looks up at him in awe, he gives her a small smile. "And certainly not to each other." She stares at him with confusion in her eyes, then lights up. He places his forehead against hers. She's not surprised by this; in fact, she expected it, even leaning in to meet him halfway.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now