The Boyfriend

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Jimin's heart fell all the way to his feet when the word 'boyfriend' rolled off her tongue. She mentioned being in two relationships before: one was serious, the other not so much. It's taking all of his will power not to go up and drag Y/N away from that man. He desperately wants to do so, but he acknowledges that she's her own person, and he can't let his jealously get in the way of that no matter how badly he wants to. It's not like he even knows the full story.

"What are you doing in the Belt of all places?" Jungkook asks Y/N, who looks down.

"It's a long story..."

"Looking for you, actually," Namjoon says, which makes Jimin snap his head up, fury and realization in his eyes.

"Wait a second... he's the one we're looking for?!" Jimin asks, not able to hide his rage this time.

Namjoon confirms it, offering Jimin a glance of sympathy. "Platinum Intelligence Officer Jeon Jungkook. It's good to see you again."

Jungkook barely noticed the presence of the Captain until he said his name. Even then, he seems to be struggling to process the situation. "Executive Kim Namjoon. It's been a while. Three months since the last time we spoke, correct? I'm glad you remembered that I'd be here," Jungkook says, although his eyes keep darting back to Y/N. To Jimin's surprise, Y/N keeps her gaze on Jimin, staring at him. There's no guilt, or sadness, or even warmth in her eyes. It's just blank.

"Captain Kim now," Namjoon says, his voice quivering an almost unnoticeable amount.

Jungkook's eyes snap to him, a frown on his lips. "It's not safe to talk here," Jungkook says, motioning to the groaning men beneath him, clutching their legs and arms in pain.

"Back to the ship?" Seulgi asks, and everyone seems to agree with her.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend another minute here," Y/N mumbles, peering down at the men. Jimin agrees, although deep down, he still hates the idea of bringing that man onto their ship. Jeon Jungkook, Y/N's ex boyfriend. Jimin scoffs. What a day.


Once the crew safely boarded the Moonchild, you rushed up to the bridge. Jungkook and Jimin have been staring at you nonstop for the past eight minutes. You need a break. Granted, having two attractive men staring at you is pretty cool, but also creepy. Like - give it a break!

You perfectly understand Jimin's gaze. After all, it's pretty obvious that the two of you have a connection. You can understand he's concerned and wants to know what went down between you and Jungkook. On the other hand, you also understand Jungkook's point of view. He hasn't seen you in about a year. He's beyond concerned. Doesn't change the fact that you're pissed at him for what he did, but you at least understand. Regardless of your understanding, you want to be alone for one minute. You know you'll have to hear the plan in the next few seconds, but any time away from those stares is heaven.

Of course, your moment of peace doesn't last long seeing as the rest of the crew follows you. Suddenly there's an entire group of people surrounding you, and the stares from Jungkook and Jimin are back. You let out a huff, letting your eyes meet Namjoon's form instead. You have respect for the Captain. He's in a high pressure situation, and - from the impression you got from both the Captain himself and Jimin - he doesn't have much experience with difficult choices. However, you think he's doing an amazing job. You're glad he's the Captain. But he still needs an Executive Officer, doesn't he? That's how the system works from what you can tell.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now