All Good Things... (Part 1)

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"I don't have anything to say to you," Jimin says, gritting his teeth and glaring at the man.

"You don't have much choice. Your fate lies with what you say to me," Mr. L/N says with a dismissive hand wave. Jimin doesn't let up; he continues to glare, his fingernails digging into the arms of the chair he sits in. When he stays quiet, Y/N's father lights up. "Good. Now, tell me, why are you here?"

"I'm here to look for Y/N."

"You told me you couldn't turn her over since you care about her too much, then you lose her? How does that work?"

Jimin glances over at Yoongi, who doesn't return the stare. "We were on a rescue mission and got separated when the ship crashed. Surely your radars picked up a giant crash landing?"

Mr. L/N brushes the comment off. "The ground shook, so I sent a team out to investigate. They are yet to get back. You're telling me you didn't look for Y/N when you crashed?"

"You have no idea how badly I wanted to, but there was too much smoke. I believe she was with Jungkook. I have confidence he got her out to safety."

"Confidence? You're placing way too much faith in that boy."

"Jeon Jungkook is an excellent fighter and a good friend. He cares about Y/N. If anyone can get her out of a situation that dangerous, it's him. I trust him with my life, which is why he's my Executive Officer."

He chuckles. "Making all these big decisions already, I see. I assume you've been to Kepler?" Jimin's left eye twitches, but he doesn't answer. "Silence. I stand by my original claim: maybe Namjoon chose the wrong leader. Perhaps my daughter would have made a better fit. Having a L/N in charge would have led to her handing herself over to guarantee your protection."

He keeps rambling on, but Jimin doesn't listen. As soon as he mentioned Namjoon, he felt an overwhelming sense of anger spike up inside his heart. The man's body is pointed toward them, his face leaning over the desk not too far away from Jimin. Jimin balls his hands into fists as the man keeps talking about how much better a L/N would do.

"I miss Namjoon, he seemed like a remarkable man. He presented himself well."

"You have no right to talk about him," Jimin says, snapping out of his thoughts.

The man leans closer, giving Jimin a taunting smile. "Namjoon would have taken my deal. He would've understood the crew comes first, and hard decisions must be made." Jimin grits his teeth. "He's a real Captain." He feels himself leaning his body closer, his blood boiling. "Namjoon should be the one sitting here right now, speaking to me." Jimin narrows his eyes, fury flooding into his vision. He sees all red. However, what he says next pushes Jimin over the edge. "Tell me, Park Jimin... what were Kim Namjoon's last words to you?" He can't hold back any longer.

Jimin punches him.

He did a quick punch to the nose, but it was enough for her father to snap back with blood pouring out of his nostrils. He holds his nose in shock, then laughs. "You motherfucker, I think you broke my nose!"

Jimin rolls up his sleeves. "I can break a lot more than that if you'd like."

He prepares to stand, but Yoongi places his hand on his arm to stop him. When Jimin meets Yoongi's eyes, he sees the pleading look in them and decides to stand down. He's not sure how Yoongi calmed his anger, but he did.

"I praise your boldness, but unfortunately, that's not going to get you anywhere. I still need you to tell me why you're here," Mr. L/N says while holding his nose. Before Jimin can respond, there's a buzz at L/N's comm. He groans, rolling his eyes before pulling out a tissue and pressing it against his nose. He pushes the button. "Yes?"

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now