The Tragedy

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It's safe to say Jimin and Namjoon hit some complications.

They weren't expecting to find any survivors, but they did. Actually, it's more like the survivors found them. They saw the Engineer and his Captain running and decided to follow. Now, they're here, yelling for their crew to run while some random people they've never met are hunting them down.

Y/N runs not far in front of him, and although Jimin is relieved to see her, he's saving his excitement for when they get off this moon. He heard them tell Baekhyun to get the ship, but they were too busy running to respond. He also heard that Y/N was hurt. That's what made Jimin truly panic. However, with how she's running, she seems fine, but that could also be adrenaline.

"How far's the ship?" Jimin asks, gasping for air.

"I'm not sure, Baekhyun is on his way to the ship. Maybe he can meet us somewhere," Namjoon explains, trying to keep up.

"Why aren't they shooting at us?" Jimin asks, his mind boggled by the fact that they're chasing the crew but not shooting or calling out for them to stop.

"I have no idea."

Just then, Jimin hears a shot go off, and he jumps, turning the corner with the rest of the crew. "Great, they are shooting now. Nice one, Jimin," Jimin mutters to himself.

"Look, there's a casino spire up there! If we get to the top floor, there's a landing pad!" Namjoon calls out, pointing to the long, spire-like casino dead ahead.

"I've had about enough of spires today, but let's do it!" Jimin yells, and everyone seems to acknowledge their words, heading towards the spire. More shots are fired, and the crew runs faster, going slightly zig zag as well. Running while shooting is hard enough, let alone running and shooting and trying to hit another running target. They're probably not trained either, so Jimin feels good about their odds. Doesn't mean he feels good in general, but he feels better knowing those facts.

"Not too much farther!" Seulgi says, the casino now only a couple dozen yards away. Y/N begins to slow down, panting and limping. Jimin speeds up, approaching her side.

"Are you okay?" he asks, out of breath himself.

"I thought you were dead, Jimin, how can I be okay when you're not?" she asks as Seulgi bursts down the door to the casino.

Before Jimin's heart can melt at her words, he focuses on the mission, hopping inside and shutting the doors as soon as everyone is in. Seulgi and Hoseok grab the nearest chairs and barricade the doors as more gunshots start to pop off. "Top floor, now!" Namjoon says, pointing to the stairs in the corner.

"Oh God, more stairs?" Jimin asks with a groan.

"Unavoidable, let's go!" Namjoon replies, and they obey. Well, everyone except for Y/N, who heaves and leans up against the wall.

"Y/N?" Jimin asks, kneeling down in front of her as the others head towards the stairs. Now it's only Jimin, Y/N, and Jungkook.

"I-I can't move," she mumbles, trembling.

"Take off her armor," Jungkook says, and Jimin obliges, taking off the chest plate and her helmet. She seems as pale as her skin will allow her to go, her breathing jagged. "Lift up her shirt." Jimin hesitates before doing so.

Blood pours down her chest, her gunshot wound open again. "Oh God," Jimin mutters, eyes widening.

"I'll carry her, you get the door," Jungkook says, his cheeks glowing bright blue. Although Jimin wants to protest, he knows Jungkook is the best man for the job. His enhancements will keep her safe. Jimin nods and watches Jungkook grab the girl and carry her bridal style. Jimin rushes over to the door and opens it, the group outside pounding against the door. Jimin's getting flashbacks to the spire, but chooses not to give into them.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin