Unwanted Visitors

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~Three Days Later || 18:44~

You tap your finger against Jimin's hologlobe, scrolling through the songs he picked out for you. He has a variety playlist of stuff that he personally listens to and what he thinks you might like. Over the past three days, that's been like small dates for you and him. Sitting in the greenhouse and sharing earbuds, listening to the playlist while admiring the rose Jimin grew for you... and maybe admiring Jimin too.

He's in the bathroom, washing his hair and fixing his appearance. You arrive at Ganymede in one hour. The crew's a little on edge right now. You spoke to Baekhyun already today, and he said he was going to try and stay in the cockpit. You're not sure what's going on with him, but he's seemed so distant recently. You'd figure that because you and him are pilots, you'd spend a lot of time together, but you've spent the least amount of time with him. Maybe you're thinking too deeply about it. Maybe he just doesn't like you that much.

You let out a sigh, swiping away from the playlist to instead search up Earth. You haven't sat down and looked at pictures of the planet in a long time. Ever since you left Ganymede, not counting the scanner Jimin made.

After a moment's hesitation, you type it in and widen your eyes. You were expecting pictures, but instead you're getting headlines and news. It's nothing new, but still enough to shock you. More Earth cities are getting blown up. New York City, Boston, and Miami. The casualties are skyrocketing. This war is doing nothing but destroying everything. You want to wonder how Ganymede is doing against the Belt, but you'll find out in an hour anyway, so you don't bother searching.

Jimin comes out of the bathroom, and you peek at him. His eyes are on the ground, his expression is sour.

"You okay?" you ask as you flip off his hologlobe and set it on his nightstand.

"I will be, just thinking."

"About what?"

Jimin suddenly smirks, then heads over to the bed. He kneels on it and comes over to you. "Of how you think engineers are good with their fingers."

He kisses you, and you let out a muffled breath against his lips. Although you know he's deflecting, you grant him a few seconds of peace by kissing back. He guides you back to the bed, his body on top of yours and focusing on kissing you passionately. You love kissing him and being with him, but there's no way in hell he's getting out of this conversation.

You tap against his chest, requesting air, and he grants it.

"Gunshot?" he asks.

"Nope, curious on what you were thinking about." He gives you a 'really' look and you giggle and nod. Without any warning, he presses his fingers up against you, and your eyes widen. "You're not getting out of this conversation," you say as he curls his fingers up, trying to distract you.

It's almost working. Almost. You manage to have the willpower to resist, although resisting Jimin is very difficult. You consider it one of your special talents, even if it only works every once in a while.

"Oh really?" he challenges.


Jimin pouts and gives you puppy eyes, and of course cute Jimin is the thing that almost makes you give in, but you snap yourself out of it.

"Nope, sorry," you say, leaning back and letting your head rest against his pillows.

He groans, removing his hand and giving you a huff. "I was really trying to get laid today."

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now