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Jimin's eyes pop open as the static of his comm hits his eardrums.

"Y/N!?" he asks, wondering if his mind is playing tricks on him as he presses his finger against the button.

"We ran into some trouble, but Seulgi and Hoseok are here, along with someone new. Are you okay?" she asks, her voice firing out. Despite how rapid she's speaking, the sound of her voice soothes him, even if it's only for a moment.

"Not really."

"What? Where are you, I'm coming to get you."

Jimin shakes his head despite how she can't see him. "You can't. Namjoon and I are trapped." Jimin glances over at Namjoon, who returns his gaze. "I don't think we're getting out of this one."

"Jimin, no! I'm not losing you!" she says. Jimin can hear the despair in her tone, and it breaks his heart. The pounding on the door only gets louder and louder by the second. They'll be through any minute now.

"There's these creatures. They look like us but they're lost, dazed, maybe even confused. Some are pale while others are all green. They're at the door, and we don't have enough ammo to get through them, if bullets even hurt them."

He can hear the muffled sobs of Y/N. He feels his own tears welling up again. "I can't lose you," she whispers, and it takes all his effort not to cry at her words.

"Y/N, meeting you, being with you? You gave me the greatest moments of my life."

"I'm not giving up on you!" she replies, which makes Jimin sigh.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Can you do me a favor?"

Y/N pauses, then sniffles. "Anything."

"Go to Earth, find my brother, and watch the clouds together."

Y/N is full out sobbing now, not bothering to muffle her cries. Hearing her so distraught makes Jimin wish he could say something to comfort her. Something, anything. "Okay, we will. We'll find a turtle and everything."

Jimin sighs once more, his finger lingering over his comm button. "Goodbye, angel," he whispers.

"Jimin wai-"

He turns off the comm, letting out a shaky breath. He wouldn't be able to properly function if he had to listen to her cry for one more second. His heart wouldn't be able to take it. This isn't how he thought he'd die, but at least he got to hear Y/N's voice one last time. And at least he's not dying alone.

Namjoon stands, rushing over to the elevator shaft and pressing the button. When it doesn't open, Namjoon scours the room until he finds a thin board that looks pretty stable. He slips it in between the doors, his gloved hands pressing on the material. The elevator doors squeak until they hurt Jimin's brain. Each noise scratches at his ears, Jimin wincing.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asks.

"Put your helmet on. We're leaving."

"But the elevator shaft, that's way too dangero-"

"I don't care. We have to try. After listening to that..." Namjoon pauses, then meets Jimin's eyes. "You need to fight. If not for yourself, then for her." Just like that, Jimin's on board with Namjoon's plan.

He forces the doors partly open with the board, then steps aside so Jimin can place his hands on the metal, prying them open. It takes all his strength, but the shaft is now visible. The pounding at the door gets even louder. Jimin now knows they have no time.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now