The Silent Treatment

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~The Next Day | 13:12~

Losing Namjoon hurt. Your father showing up and belittling you hurt. Finding out your home is under siege and your family could be hurt or worse still hurts. Losing Yeonjun? It's enough to put you over the edge.

Jungkook came by and announced the deed had been done, executed by Jimin himself. You thanked him for telling you, but couldn't bring yourself to talk to him after that. Him and Jimin agreed to destroy Kepler. This is partly his fault as well. If Jungkook said no, Jimin likely wouldn't have done it.

You sniffle, pushing any memories of Yeonjun you have aside. Now is not the time to get lost on what you once had. You're glad you and him haven't talked for a while, otherwise his death would be a much harder blow. Maybe the only reason why it hits so hard is because Jimin is the one who caused it.

You sit on your bed, staring at the floor. You're unbelievably mad at Jimin. Sure, you said some things you regret, like the whole jealousy thing. You admit that was messed up, but you know what else is messed up? Murdering someone.

Deep down, you know Jimin was right: Yeonjun was already dead. Yoongi seemed to be the one keeping him and Soobin alive. So the odds of him surviving another day let alone another hour were slim to none. You know that deep down, but your heart can't handle that right now.

You need time. A lot of it. You don't know how Jimin made that decision, and truthfully, you don't want to know how. How anyone can even think of destroying a station with an innocent life on it? You thought the goal was to save as many lives as possible.

You would've gladly went back and searched the station on your own if it meant you could save Yeonjun. Everyone knows that, so why Jimin didn't let you is mind-boggling. You get he cares about you, but he would do it for any member of the crew. Why can't you do it for your friend? Another thought that hurts: what if it were Jimin on that station instead? What if you had to lose him because of a decision like this?

There's a knock at your door, and you sigh. If it's Jimin or Jungkook, you might lose your mind. It's only been a day. You have a week until you reach Ganymede; you need at least three days before you can face either of them again.

"Who is it?" you call.

"Seulgi," she calls back, her voice quiet.

"Come in."

The door opens, then closes a couple seconds later. "How are you holding up?" she asks.

"How many more people am I going to lose before this is over?" You sit up, locking eyes with her. "Who's next? Hoseok? You?" You pause, your voice hitching. "Jimin?"

"Y/N, I hate to tell you this, but this is a dangerous journey. Everyone here knows that." You let a tear roll down your cheek. "You know that too. It doesn't mean you can't be upset, but I can't promise you that everyone will be alright, whether it be mentally or physically. I wish I could, but unfortunately, everything we do could get us killed."

"I know. I do, I just... I've seen so much death this past month. I don't know how I would be able to live with myself if I lost someone here. I may be mad at Jimin, but if anything happened to him I... I..."

She comes over and sits next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "Hey, I may not be able to promise you we'll all be okay, but I can promise you we'll do everything in our power to make sure we don't lose anyone else. That I can definitely promise."

You peek up at her, then use one of your hands to wipe away your tears. "Sitting here in self-pity won't solve anything. Maybe Jin and Taehyung need help fixing the systems," you say.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now