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Princess Y/N Y/L/N, known to be a horrible teen who always got into trouble.

She was the daughter of King Dominic of the northern kingdom.

Y/N was meant to inherit the throne, but with how she was acting, she was going to end up in jail.

So here she laid, on a bed in a room that was padded so that she couldn't harm herself.

She had been found drinking with a couple of peasant friends in a bar.

Her father went ballistic.

He called her a whore, a slut who needed to stop before she got pregnant by some lowlife.

The girl began to wake up, groaning and looking around.

The room was magnificent, large and with a view of the ocean from where she was.

She was in a huge tower, high up.

"Good morning, princess Y/N," she furrowed her eyebrows, looking up to see the camera.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking out at the ocean.

"Mistress Scarlet shall be up soon. In the meantime, breakfast is served near the window," she saw a whole buffet of food laid out for her.

She was confused, not even bothering to touch the food.

"Princess, please eat," she heard over the speaker.

She refused, turning around when the doors suddenly opened to reveal a woman dressed in a luxurious gown and with two guards at her shoulders.

"Hello, princess Y/N,"

"I-I don't understand..." she looked out the window, finding her father about to leave on a boat.

"Father! Father!" She shouted, hands on the window.

She was immediately held back by the guards, them thinking that she would jump.

He looked up, but got onto the boat, leaving her there.

"Let me go! Let me go!" She cried out, tears running down her face.

"Father!!" She cried out, watching him leave.

She felt a pinch in her shoulder, looking to find one of the men withdrawing the needle they just injected into her.

"We'll talk once you're calm. I will not stand for this kind of behavior," the Mistress spoke, watching the girl go limp in the guard's arms.

The teen woke up in that familiar all white room, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw a guard inside with her.

"I'll get Mistress Scarlet," he left the room and she looked down to find a bruise on her wrist.

That wasn't there before.

That woman walked in, this time wearing a more sophisticated outfit.

A suit that had beautiful diamonds on it.

"You're awake, good. I was beginning to worry. We underestimated your weight, hun. Any side affects? Sickness?"

The girl immediately grabbed the trash bin, puking into it.

"I'll take that as a yes. Guards, take care of her. Once she's well I want her in the questioning room. Alert me when she is there," the guards bowed to her and watched her leave.

They helped the teen up, cleaning her up and fixing her hair.

"Thank you," the teen thanked one of the guards that brought her a glass of water.

Lauren Jauregui imagines pt 2Where stories live. Discover now