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Lauren was at a festival of some sort for a dying out culture.

The women were dressed in such beautiful gowns while the men were in tuxes.

The men would give a rose to the woman they wanted to dance with, Lauren finding a beautiful girl who held a rose and was looking around.

She was wearing a tux, different to the ways of her culture.

Her hair was down in suck beautiful waves and her makeup was made up to perfection.

Lauren smiled at her, making eye contact with her.

The woman blushed, placing her hands behind her back to hide that she still had her rose.

All of the women of her culture were taken now, leaving her to be by herself.

The Cuban slowly walked towards her, approaching her.

"H-Hi," she blushed, softly rocking on her heels.

"Hello, I'm Lauren,"

"I'm Y/N," the girl looked up when her mother cheered her on.

"You got this, baby! Go on!"

She blushed more, looking down.

"Would you like to dance with me?" She asked, bringing the rose out in front of her to show the emerald eyed beauty.

"Yes, I'd love that," Lauren smiled, taking the rose and dancing with the beautiful woman.

She was surprised when Y/N took the lead, wrapping her arms around her waist and guiding her.

Lauren could smell her strong cologne, falling in love with it.

It wasn't musky or guy like, it was more sweet and sultry.

After their dance, Y/N bowed to her.

"Thank you for your time,"

Lauren smiled, curtsying like the women did.

"Anytime," they split up, the Cuban walking around to see the beautiful things the people were selling.

She hadn't seen anything like it before.

A culture that sold sage, crystals, incense, and so much more.

There were miners who sold their crystals and gems for cheap, knowing all of their people used them only for religious purposes.

She saw that beautiful young woman in line with the boys to be given their sacrificial ritual to become men.

Lauren wondered why this woman was doing it. But she understood the second it was her turn and she was stripped down to her white underclothes.

She wore a white pair of boxers and a white bra, the boys going after her not looking while the men who had already gotten their ritual did.

She stood at the altar, whispering prayers and kneeling.

Lauren watched, interested in the culture.

"She gave you a rose, didn't she?" An older woman spoke, making the Cuban look to her.

"Yes, she did." She looked back up at the girl who was now walking into the little pool of water.

"Do you know what that means?" Lauren shook her head no.

"She looked into your soul, felt it and trusted you enough to let you hold her body. You're pure in our culture, pure and able to marry one of our men or women. If you choose to, of course. Y/N's just a fairy, a rare breed in our culture. We haven't had one in centuries and she will lead us one day," she explained, looking at the woman who emerged from the waters now dressed in a white dress with a tiara on her head.

Lauren Jauregui imagines pt 2Where stories live. Discover now