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Y/n bringing Techno soup when he's sick
Techno:Thanks Y/n
Half of Y/n's brain:Careful it's hot
Other half of Y/n's brain:Here's your soup
Y/n:Careful it's soup


Phil:If your happy and you know it clap your hands
Wilbur:If your sad and you know it stomp your feet
Y/n:*Claps hands and stomps feet at the same time*
Tommy:Do...Do you need help?


Wilbur:Where are you going?
Y/n:To commit a felony or get ice-cream,I'll decide on the way there


Y/n:*Opens door quickly to Tubbo's house,looking panicked*
Tubbo:What did you do?
Y/n:No one died
Ranboo:What kind of answer is that


Y/n:I do what I want!
Ranboo:I'm calling Techno
Y/n:No wait-

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