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Y/n, knocking on Wilbur's door: *Singing* Do you wanna build a snowman-
Wilbur, to the tune of 'go away Anna': Fuck of Anna
Y/n, genuinely offended: I HAVEN'T EVEN FINSIHED THE VERSE YET-


Wilbur, sitting beside Y/n for breakfast: Y/n, do you think flies call us walks
Y/n: If you think about it, some people are still 'it' from childhood tag
Wilbur: Turning up your volume is like zooming in with sound
Techno, who's just woken up: It's 6 am, what drugs are you two on?


Karl: Tell me the weirdest thing you've experienced?
Y/n: Love
Y/n: Just kidding, I ate a whole packet of crayons when I was 6


Phil: Damn it, Techno!
Techno: What? It wasn't me
Phil: Sorry force of habit, damn it Tommy!
Tommy: Not me either
Phil: Oh then... Who set the house on fire?
Y/n & Wilbur: *Whistles*


Y/n: I hate you with every inch of my body
Wilbur: That's not a lot of inches
Y/n: *Pulls out knife*

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