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Tubbo: What if people had food names and food had people names
Tommy: Hey spaghetti, we're having Tubbo for dinner
Ranboo: What is wrong with you people?
Y/n: Shut up, chocolate 


Y/n: Isn't it weird we pay money to see other people?
Tommy: Plane tickets
Wilbur: Concert tickets?
Techno: Prostitution?
Y/n, holding Wilbur's broken frames: Glasses


Y/n sitting on their bed, sad
Wilbur: Are you ok?
Techno: Let's go boys
Minutes later
All of them: SBI open up
Tommy: Wait Dream doesn't have a home


Y/n: *Sees someone doing something stupid
Y/n:What an idiot *realises it's Karl*
Y/n: Wait that's my idiot


Sapnap: This why we don't mess with Y/n
Y/n: Yep :)
Quackity: What? You're telling me your all scared of them?
Karl: I wouldn't have said that
Quackity: Why?
Y/n: Look behind you >:)
Quackity: What th-

Quackity has logged off

George: Should we help him?
Dream: Do you wanna die?
George: No?

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