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Karl & Sapnap in jail
Sapnap: So who should we call?
Karl: I'd call Y/n, but I feel safer in jail


Wilbur:*Making a speech*
Y/n:*Stubs toe*
Y/n: Fuck, fuckity fuck
Wilbur: Elegant addition Y/n, thank you


Y/n: It's dark in here
Karl: Don't worry I got this
Karl: *Stomps his feet*
Karl: *Sketchers light up*
Y/n: You're adorable


Dream: Y/n, you can't move in with Karl
Y/n: Why not, pissbaby?
Dream: How are you gonna feel when he sees you without a full face of make-up
Y/n: I'm not wearing any make-up now
Dream: Holy shit you're beautiful
Dream: Wait, I take that back, nope never said it
Y/n: *Amused


Y/n: Due to personal reasons I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box
Wilbur: Did Karl say "I love you" and you said "Thank you"

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