last day pt. 2

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Izuku walked home from school after being beaten up and told to off himself. Bakugou wasn't far behind. Izuku noticed this and did not make it obvious. Izuku thought that bakugou was gonna beat him up. Bakugou felt his rut coming and hoped that he would get home fast enough so that he didn't do anything irrational. Izuku could now smell Bakugou's pheromones. He then turned around and walked towards Katsuki. This alpha was finding it hard to control himself as the omega got closer. Katsuki made a run for it exposing his hiding spot and heading home. deku followed quickly behind. Katsuki then collapsed and deku took him into his house. 

2 hours later

"WHERE THE HELL AM I ?" Katsuki yelled. This got Izuku's attention. He came upstairs and check on Bakugou. As soon as the omega entered the room the alpha started releasing seductive pheromones. This caught deku off guard.  The pheromones got to a point where his body went into heat. The two were fighting with all they had until another wave of heat hit Deku and his pheromones went everywhere. Bakugou could not restrain himself after that. He started releasing his his pheromones as rapidly as he got up and started to kiss the omega. Izuku was fighting the kiss that he wanted so bad. He that if he kept it up that he would end up doing something he would  regret. He gave in and deepened the kiss as bakugou started pushing Deku onto the bed. 

(after the  ✨ experience✨)

Both of them fell asleep. They were lucky Inko didn't get home for a few more hours. Izuku woke up from his and could not recall what happened. He looked down at the covers and froze. He saw both bakugou and him naked. He then screamed and put the covers over him. This woke Bakugou who was still half asleep. He then came to his senses and blushed. They both got up and got dressed. Neither were able to comprehend what had happened.  they spoke not a word to one another. Bakugou then walked back to his house scared. He didn't want his mother to know what had happened. 

As soon as he stepped in the doorway his mother ran to greet her son. "Katsuki where have you been!!"

 "I was at Deku's house" The mother them smelled the air. Izuku's scent was all over her son but she shrugged it off, knowing exactly what happened. She hoped she was wrong.  didn't exactly approve of it. She knew her son would never do something like that with all the "lessons" she had taught to her son.  She didn't care what class omega ,Izuku, was because he was quirkless and gay. (i support pride i have no problem with it this is just for the au) She knew her son deserved a class C omega since he was a type 2 alpha. She was almost sure that izuku was a class A. He was quirkless afterall. She eventually changed the subject in her brain so she could yell at her son to cook for her.  

bakudeku secret love omega verseWhere stories live. Discover now