A Turn of Events

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A few days passed with no change. Shigaraki had trouble getting in touch with AFO since he is the no. 1 villain. Most people knew him as a ruthless villain who only cared about his own goal of destroying and rebuilding the hero system that had become so corrupt after so many years. Shigaraki thought that AFO should look at the kid and decide what they are doing. He realised the child look a lot like him and could be a family member of some sort that he shouldn't mess with. He also took note on the fact the kid was strong and if he had the quirk they thought he did then AFO would much rather kill him than one of his minions.  

Meanwhile Izuku was treated well. He wasn't tortured or killed. They let him have monitored bathroom breaks then they tied him back up  to the chair. Toga had conversations with him from time to time. Izuku didn't think that the kindness would last long. He thought that they were gonna try and recruit him and when he said no they were gonna torcher him for info or use him for ransom. He would only analyze their quirks and their weaknesses. That was one of his hobbies and he really good at it. The league understood the orders they were given, but they didn't understand why they were given considering this was the brat that always ruined their plans.

*second day 2pm*

"Shigaraki, why did you call me up here?" AFO asked as he entered the base. 

"There is a kid I want you to take a look at. He has a quirk just like almight and had a style similar until he seemed to switch to a shoot style," Shigaraki explained. 

"I'll have a look then if it mean that much," AFO replied with a little bit of bitterness in his voice. He couldn't believe that his successor had called him up for such a useless reason.  Shigaraki lead all for one to the room the boy was in. It took AFO a minute to realise who was sitting in that chair.

AFO then proceeded to untie the ropes on the chair. Izuku was completely confuzzled. Why would the no. 1 villain untie him. AFO then rested a hand on Izuku's shoulder. 

"It's been a long time." when Izuku heard that voice he wanted to break down into tears. The voice was just like his father's. AFO then knelt down and look at Izuku. The face seemed familiar and between the voice and the face Izuku just broke down into tears as All For One hugged his son. 

"That's the real reason I brought you here. He is UA's top student and that show he got here, but he looked related to you. Not to mention when you do a background check you find he has no father. Around the time the father went missing is when you became an active villain again. A few years after you found me and raised me to fill the void where you tore Your kid out of your life. " This made Shigaraki sound very smart. 

After a while the two stopped crying and got serious. "So...... you're now almight's successor " this threw deku off. He hadn't expected him to ask that. AFO then continued," if that's the case I will not fight my son."

"I would offer you a position as a villain, but I know it is your dream to be a hero." he added. "When the heroes fall and you are the last one standing will you join the new society, or will you fight until the end." Those words pained him. He already knew the answer.  

Izuku sighed, "I would join the new society. There would be no good reason for fighting. The only thing is there will be two heroes left standing." AFO was shocked to hear that come from his sons mouth. 

"Why two and why join us and not fight with us?" 

"There will be two being me and my mate, Ground Zero. I will not fight with you because you take things to the extreme and you are terrorists." this answer made sense, but a few seconds later he realized the first part. 

"WAIT WHO?!!!" he had that protective father look on his face like he could kill. 

"Katsuki Bakugou,"  AFO didn't know a lot about his kids childhood, but he knew enough to know that, that was his childhood bully. He was fuming and started firing off questions. This reminded him of the incident with Aizawa. Izuku explained everything, but AFO didn't believe that a person could just do a 360 on their personality and how they treat others. He dropped it and spent the day with his son. He knew he would have to send him back eventually. when the day ended they gave him fake injuries and sent him back through a portal. 

bakudeku secret love omega verseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora