the worst that could happen.

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The next few weeks went well then the villains had started aiming their attacks at Izuku. They had a lot of close calls. Inko was worried but knew that it was safer there then at home. After so many battles, the LOV started to notice that Izuku's fighting style and quirk were similar to OFA. This interested them as they thought the chosen successor was mirio from class 3-A. They started piecing things together especially after the fight with nine where he couldn't steal Izuku's quirk. They decided to attack when they were most likely to get Izuku. 


To izuku it was a normal day at UA. He had extra scent blockers on that helped with his heat, but He wasn't feeling the best. It was also heat season. That time of year plus normal heat cycles were exhausting to an omega. During that time there immune systems aren't always the greatest so they often got sick. Deku got sick midday and was sent back to the dorms. Then the attack came. Izuku was all alone in the dorms, sick, and in heat. He didn't know what to do. He was very scared, his body hurt, and he felt terrible. He was sure that they would take him this time. The LOV sent gass through the vents that knocked Izuku out. The LOV soon found his dorm and took him. 

sorry  this is short it's a filler that is just setting up for next chapter! so don't worry there is a lot more to this. 

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