second year festival

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Jiro after hearing their voices, remembered it all the way to the festival the next year. They decided to do the same thing and everyone was pumped. They loved the performance from the year before, so that's what they had expected. Jiro introduced the show and explained it would be multiple songs and that people would leave whenever they wanted. She started with the same song and show they did last year but then it was Izuku's turn and bakugou was backup singer. Seeing the shift in people the crowd was intrigued. They knew deku as a crybaby that was at the top of their class with some kind of power based quirk. 

He then started with vibrant eye's by: CG5 (not my song just like before was not my song. I'm just using it for the story)

The vocals were amazing and everyone loved it. Bakugou did his job well as backup singer. Then they sang this is what falling in love feels like. An amazing cover of it to.  Then both Jiro and Izuku came together for a song.

Most people expected Jiro would take most of the song, but Izuku actually had to do a lot more than he was supposed to do because Jiro wasn't feeling well. He did all of the song after the first high note. That meant he had to take some the hardest parts of the song. He performed it  not just well but so well that most thought he was better than Jiro. That was their ending song. At the end of it all the special effects team was tired. The person that took midoriya's place was sato. he just had to be loaded up on sweets.  Eri was there and tried explain everything( like the last time) to deku from her perspective which was adorable. It felt like life was coming together. after all their secret was out what was the worst that could happen. 

This story so far is the longest I have made and I am still making parts. Hopefully I will write more, but I have a large case of writer's block. I thought about interesting things I could add to the plot, just to realize that it was very unoriginal to add those things. I'm trying to do something different with my stories than I have in the past, so they aren't as cringy. I still have a long way to go on my journey. GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!!!

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