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It went as cannon but Bakugou got a lot more points. In this AU they allowed simple support items like a staff, ect. that's what midoriya had. So he got quite a few normal points before he used his quirk and got the rescue points. At then end of the day the invisible girl didnt get in. instead shinsou in her place. (how tf did that invisible girl get in and not shinsou so we are gonna say that he mind controlled come students they had there for quirks like his )  

Then the first day came and they had to move into dorms in this AU. UA gave them a few days to move in and get know the class mates. Izuku and Bakugou decided not to tell the class that they were dating. They thought it would make it weird. Plus them being alpha and omega it would also be weirder because they are so rare. Most people would never meet one in their lifetime, little on a type two alpha and type C omega. When they were doing the room competition, Bakugou didn't show his room because he hadn't put all the stuff he used for his ruts away yet and he had a lot of photos he had taken over the summer with Izuku. Both of them had a lot interest in music. Izuku had an amazing voice and Bakugou  played the drums. Izuku could play the piano. Bakugou had a good voice but compared to Izuku he was trash. They would like to spend time in each others dorms listening to music and creating it as well.

Months passed and there hero training was going good. They kept their secrets. None of the teachers knew either. During heats and ruts they found better medications and learned to control themselves better. They both would wear scent blockers. Bakugou and Midoriya eventually decided to mate. because of this they always knew what the other was feeling. To them life couldn't be better.

 Then there was an accident. A general studies student went into heat and could not control themselves. It ended being ok,  bvbnbut when they got back to school on monday they made mandatory secondary gendar checks. 

izuku pov:

"Today will be having secondary gendar checks" Aizawa stated

I don't like where this is going they will figure it out. I mean I guess they were gonna figure it out eventually. In the future, if me and kacchan wanted to get married we would have to invite someone.  He then started calling students up and placing a bracelet like device that revealed the secondary gendars. Everyone who went through were betas.

"Katsuki Bakugou" Aizawa then called. You could see him pause then get up and go. They put the bracelet on his arm. An gasp came from the class as they saw the words alpha appear. They then waited a few more seconds and it said "alpha type 2". Everyone was in shock. Not only did they meet an alpha but they met a type 2. Kacchan then went , sat down, and put his head down. They called a few more names. I don't think he was calling them in any kind of order. last I heard my name.

"Izuku Midoriya" I got up and got to the front of the class. He then put the device on my arm. It felt like the longest few seconds of my life. Then it said "omega". Everyone, the same as before, was shocked. They never thought they would meet an alpha or an omega. A few seconds later it said "omega type C." Everyone stared. I was petrified. I went to my seat and put my head down the same as kacchan. When class was over Aizawa pulled us apart one at a time. He then grabbed another device. 

"This is to check if you have a mate. If you do then ok . If you don't that's good info to know. It won't tell us who the mate is." He put the device on my arm. I don't think he thought I had a mate because when it said I did his face was priceless.  He was super shocked and angry. He must have mistaken me as a cinnamon roll that I display. He wrote it down and then brought kacchan in. He know that showed positive. He then brought us into a room together to talk with us. 

"Ok I would like you two to tell me who your mates are if you don't mind." He looked very curious. We ended up not telling him the truth and telling him that we were mates with some kids from our middle school. He bought and let us leave. We headed to the dorms and the moment we entered we felt everyone's eyes on us. We entered different elevators to get to my dorm to make it seem less suspicious. We ended up singing and going to the music room to use the instruments.  

*back with the class*

"We should go check on the two" uraka suggested. so they went up to check their dorms and they weren't there. the class panacted and called Mr. aizawa. He rushed there. They all search the building when they got to the music room floor. When they walked by the room they heard sounds coming from inside and made a crack just large enough so they could hear them. 

They heard this. they all recognized the song it was "this is what falling in love feels like" by: JVKE

They listened as the two sounded beautiful. That was one of the only songs Izuku had taught bakugou on the piano. He played as Izuku sang. At then end of the song Izuku kissed Bakugou and said "I wish this would never end." 

"We probably need to head back to the dorms," Bakugou said knowing that the class would start looking for them soon, so they left hand in hand. Class 1-A was aware by the sounds that the people inside kissed. They wanted to figure out who it was, including Aizawa. When they walked out the door they were surprised to see almost all of class 1-A.

bakudeku secret love omega verseWhere stories live. Discover now